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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 73

Seeing Heather's expression, Caroline knew that Julian was determined to send her abroad.

She immediately sat down on the sofa and burst into tears.

"Mom, I really don't want to go abroad..." Caroline cried and said, "I can't bear to leave you. I can't live without you."

Caroline knew that Heather couldn't bear to part with her, so she deliberately said in that way to make Heather feel sorry for her.

Heather's heart was broken by her tears. Over the years, her husband had cheated on her, gone abroad, and her son was busy with his career. She only had her daugher Caroline with her.

It was also because of this daughter that her life was not so difficult.

This was also the reason why she had spoiled Caroline all the time, because Caroline was all her spiritual support.

Thinking of this, Heather felt grieved. She gritted her teeth with red eyes and said, "Don't worry. I won't let him send you abroad!"

Caroline wiped away her tears, gritted her teeth and said, "It must have been Emelia!"

"Mom, my brother wants to send me abroad due to Emelia. I can't bear it!"

Heather was puzzled. "Why is it related to Emelia again?"

Through Yvonne's plot against Emelia last time, Heather learned that Emelia had returned home from abroad.

But she didn't think that her son had anything to do with Emelia, let alone her son would do anything for her.

Caroline told Heather her conspiracy with Yvonne to inform Taylor. Then, she said bitterly, "Julian must have known about this, so he wants to drive me away!"

Heather did not think so. "Impossible!"

"Julian will never do this to you due to Emelia. You are his sister, and she is his ex-wife. Can he protect an outsider without caring about you?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

Caroline cried again, "Mom!"

Caroline believed that Julian was targeting her for Emelia's sake. Otherwise, why would he not have sent her abroad earlier or later? Why did he have to send her away after she had secretly plotted against Emelia?

"Emelia is a scheming bitch!" Caroline scolded Emelia, "Otherwise, why do you think that she worked with Julian's company on her first show after her returning home? Why did she compose such a script alluding to Yvonne?"

Heather was annoyed by her crying, so she asked, "Do you have Emelia's phone number?"

"I am to ring and scold her. Why is she so shameless? They've got divorced for more than a year, but she is still pestering your brother!"

Hearing this, Caroline immediately sat up from the sofa, found Emelia's new phone number and gave it to Heather.

Since she could find Emelia's address, she could naturally find her phone number.

Heather took out her phone and dialed the number angrily.

Emelia was working on the computer. When her phone rang, she naturally answered it.

"Emelia!" When the phone was connected, there was a harsh sound.

Emelia frowned slightly. This voice...Why did it sound like Heather?

And why was Heather calling her?

However, she still asked politely, "Hello, who is that?"

"You shameless little b…" Heather cursed as soon as the call was connected. Emelia hung up without hesitation and blocked Heather right away.

She had nothing to do with Julian now. Why should she bear Heather's insults?

Moreover, she didn't do anything wrong to them. Why should she be scolded?

Heather had been so angry that she had wanted to vent her anger on Emelia, who hung up the phone the moment she yelled at her. Heather was furious.


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