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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 732

David hated Arthur for his relationship with Ezra.

Arthur and Ezra were good friends. For this reason, David was hostile to Arthur.

David had no hostility to his boss Julian. That was because he knew that Julian, like him, was with Maisie. Julian once fell out with Ezra for Maisie's sake.

However, David felt that Arthur was more inclined to stand on Ezra's side. After all, Arthur had little interactions with them, unlike Julian.

The good thing was that now Arthur knew that Maisie was pregnant with Ezra's child, but he never told him that.

Jean also saw Arthur standing not far away from them. She frowned slightly. She didn't know why Arthur came here, but she knew that it was better not to let Maisie see Arthur, who had something to do with Ezra.

David did not want to see Arthur either. Jean could feel it.

She didn't want to bring emotional instability to Maisie and David because of someone she knew, so she whispered to David, "Could you please go back and take care of Maisie? I'll talk to him."

David nodded, got up and left.

Arthur's expression showed that he had misunderstood their hug. David had no intention to explain. He did not like him, and he did not care.

Jean walked up to Arthur and asked, "Why do you come here?"

Arthur was jealous because he saw Jean hug David, but he did not want her to see that. He looked down at Jean and whispered, "Where else can I find you?"

These days, he had reflected on his feeling for Jean.

He loved her. That was love.

Because he loved her, he blamed her for leaving without saying goodbye when she was abroad, for her indifference to him, for treating him as if he was just a random sex partner, and for forgetting him after they had slept together.

He was not a womanizer. She was his first woman. He also wanted her to be his last woman.

But when he returned to her after graduation, she had completely disappeared.

For the first time in his life, he was dumped so thoroughly that she even did not give him an excuse.

During this time, he went to Jean many times, but each time he was turned away. He had no choice but to follow her here.

Jean looked away to avoid Arthur's eyes, "As for Maisie and the child—"

Arthur gave his word before she could finish her sentence, "I know. I will keep it a secret."

Arthur was fully aware that the existence of Maisie's baby was a big thing. He had no right to tell Ezra because he knew that this might change the fate of Ezra and Maisie.

It was a good thing that they were in peace now. He did not want Maisie to wade into the muddy waters of Ezra Cantillo and the Cantillo family.

Currently, his father was treated in his hospital for his cancer, so he knew more about the Cantillo family and their current situation than outsiders.

With Ezra's father's admission to the hospital, the fight between Ezra and his two sisters began to heat up, because it was related to the fate of the Cantillo family after their father's possible death.


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