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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 734

When David went back to the ward of Maisie, he didn't tell her about Arthur. Instead, he told her that Maisie had left in advance.

"I'll be discharged from the hospital and moved to the confinement center in the afternoon. There's nothing else to do here. You can go back to your work."

It was natural labor for her. She could leave the hospital after staying for observation. She had booked a confinement center room for herself. When she arrived there, everything would be taken care of by a team of professionals. She didn't need to worry about anything, so David could go back early as he had so much work to do.

"Mr. Hughes has given me a week off." His words implied that he didn't want to leave her side.

"So you are going to take that week off? You know how important and busy your work is, don't you?"

"Besides, Emelia has been staying in the hospital these days. Mr. Hughes must be in the hospital with her every day. Why don't you go back and help him with his business?" She was pregnant way earlier than Emelia, but Emelia was going to have a cesarean section because she had twins.

Now that she had been hospitalized, she would give birth to the babies at a chosen time.

"But here you are, how I can leave you…" David certainly knew what she said and why, but he was still worried.

"I have people taken care of me. Jean is here as well."

David had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll go back tomorrow morning."


After a while, Maisie said to David in a serious tone, "I heard that you are very hostile to Mr. Cantillo and his family. There is no need to do so."

She had wanted to talk about it with David for a long time. After learning from Emelia about his reaction, she wanted to talk with him, but the siblings had never had a chance to meet, so she thought it was the right time for them to talk face to face.

Maisie brought up this topic.

She said seriously, "I loved him back then, and I chose to give birth to the baby. David, I made my own choice, and it has nothing to do with him."

"But if he hadn't tricked you to be with him, you would never have taken the initiative to be with him!" he argued back, "It's all his fault!" David was so excited that his voice was so loud that it woke up the sleeping baby beside him.

Without saying anything more to David, Maisie stood up in a hurry, intending to hug the child in her arms.

The nurse had been sent away by them before, and Maisie was still weak. Finally, David took the child in the cot to Maisie.

This was the first time that David hugged him after the baby was born, and also the first time that he looked at him carefully.

Because of his hatred for Ezra, David didn't like the child at all, so he didn't even look at him before.

Now holding the baby in his palm, he was able to see him.

It was said that boys looked more like their mothers. He indeed had the eyebrows and eyes of his mother. But if you took a closer look, you could also find features of Ezra.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but his heart softened.

After handing him to Maisie, He turned around and stood by the window as she was breastfeeding the little hungry baby. He kept apologizing to Maisie, "I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I was too extreme and impulsive. I won't hold that much grudge against him and his family in the future, but I will never forgive him."

"Okay. I just don't want you to be burdened by all the hate in you. Hatred is a burden."

"I know. I heard that he is going to be engaged to that woman, Erika Marshall." David said with his back toward Maisie.

He couldn't look back at her, so he could only listen to her nervously to see if there was anything wrong with her tone.


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