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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 737

Everyone was happy but they all left to let Emelia and the babies get some rest after seeing they were doing great. Julian has got all things settled. He would take care of Emelia while the kids were being taken care of by two maids.

Nina stayed to help, and she said lovingly to Emelia instantly after she woke up, "Babe, are you OK?"

Julian took a glance at Nina, keeping himself from speaking ill of her.

He didn't want to get jealous of Nina in front of Emelia when she was that weak. This woman...

Julian didn't know how to describe Nina. Does she think this was appropriate to call Emelia "babe"? People would think she had a thing for Emelia. Wasn't there a scandal between them on Twitter before?

Julian talked to Nina about this plenty of times, but she didn't try to change at all. Emelia also let her be this way. Julian felt that it was time to talk to Cameron, letting him do the talk.

Julian spoke to Cameron outside the ward when he came to pick Nina up in the evening.

Hearing Julian's words, Cameron said with a shrug, "Mr. Hughes, to be honest, it's not up to me."

Julian was speechless as he thought that Cameron could dominate Nina, but it turned out he was a henpecked husband.

"Since when am I in charge?" Cameron added, "Will Emelia listen to you when she sets her mind to something?"

Julian also shrugged his shoulders. Of course, he didn't get to decide for Emelia as he finally got married to her. He just wanted to spoil her and nothing else.

"Welcome to my world." Cameron smiled.

Cameron was supposed to be jealous because Emelia was just called "babe" by Nina who has never called him that.

"What were you and Julian whispering about outside?" Nina asked Cameron after sitting in the car with him.

"You said that like we are gossipers." The word "whispering" made Cameron laugh.

"You don't have to say. I know he must have whined about me." Nina snapped.

Nina has seen through Julian, she groused, "What is he so jealous about? He only allows Emelia to be his 'babe'? Can't she be my 'babe'?"

"Emelia is also Mr. Longgerich's 'babe'. How come Julian doesn't whine about him?"

Cameron was amused by his tart-tongued wife, and said with a smile while driving, "Actually I should be the one who gets most jealous. You never call me that."

Nina just complained about Julian getting jealous all the time, and now Cameron did it, too.

"Are you sure you want me to call you 'babe'?" Nina said in a low voice.

She did call him "honey" or "hubby" among others which changed with her mood, but never a "babe".

After all, he was a man, and this nickname would be more suitable for a woman like Emelia.

"Yes," Cameron answered.

Nina rolled her eyes and said, "You are driving. Let's try it at home for safety as long as you can handle it."


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