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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 751

He raised his glass to Nina and Cameron. "The engagement hasn't even been decided yet. Let's talk about it later."

As his voice fell, he titled his head up and emptied his glass. The engagement between him and Erika was not set in stone. It was just uncertain news released by the old man who was seriously ill in bed.

As the old man suddenly fainted after chemotherapy, the doctor gave notice of critical illness. The entire Cantillo family rushed to the hospital overnight. The first thing after the old man woke up was to force Ezra to engage with Erika, but Ezra did not say a word. Diana, along with her two biological daughters, began to complain in tears about his cruelty of not letting his father rest in peace.

Ezra sneered. The old man did not give him any grace of raising him. He was brought up by his mother alone abroad. Why should he let the old man rest in peace? But he could not say such heartless words on such an occasion. Otherwise, those people of the Cantillo family would immediately use such an excuse to kick him out of the board of directors and completely kick him out of the Cantillo family.

How could he let them off so easily?

The old man had been playing fields and broken his mother's heart. Since he was surnamed Cantillo, Ezra had to take back everything that belonged to him and his mother. He wanted to give Canuli as a gift to his mother. When the time came, he would see if Diana would be pissed.

However, he did not expect that night when he did not say a word the whole time, the old man had sent people to release the news that he agreed to the marriage with the Marshall family. He also took that silence for acquiescence.

These insidious tricks were indeed the style of the old man.

So at this moment, he denied it completely.

Nina raised her eyebrows and said, "No way? Not set in stone yet? Why did Miss. Marshall admit that you were going to be engaged when I met her a few days ago with a shy look on her face?"

Nina was a female celebrity and often participated in various activities. It was not strange for her to meet Erika.

Hearing Nina's words, Ezra frowned deeply. "Did she really say that?"

"Yeah," Nina leaned into Cameron's arms and said innocently, "Can I lie about such a big thing?"

Nina was indeed not lying. Erika had indeed said that she was going to be engaged to Ezra.

However, Nina knew that Erika deliberately said this in front of her. She was afraid that Erika had already known that she had a good relationship with Maisie, so she hoped that she could tell Maisie about this matter and make things difficult for Maisie.

At that time, Nina sneered in her heart. Erika did not inquire about who she was, but actually played tricks in front of her.

Did Erika take her like a fool? Did she really think that she was just a beautiful and dumb actress in the entertainment circle?

She didn't mention a word to Maisie, but revealed it to Ezra, turning Ezra against Erika's self-making and self-sentimental attitude.

Looking at the disgust and rage in Ezra's eyes, Nina knew that her plan had been achieved. "Erika, just wait to be held accountable by Ezra." Nina thought to herself.

Cameron knew his wife's scheming and cunning well. Now that she had successfully sowed discord between them, he immediately hugged her and turned to Arthur and Phil to continue toasting.

After Ezra sat down, he drank a few more mouthfuls of wine. After Cameron and Nina left, Phil said to Ezra faintly, "It seems that your dad and the Marshall family deliberately spread the news about your engagement. What about it? Are they going to use public opinion to force you and the Marshall family into marriage?"

Arthur jumped in, "I really don't understand. Why does he have to force you to marry into the Marshall family? Besides the Marshall family, Riverside City has other good families, right? You don't like that Erika at all. It's not like he doesn't know that the relationship between you and him is stiff. Why does he have to continue to force you on the matter of marriage?"

Ezra played with the wine glass in his hand and laughed mockingly. "Naturally, he has his own plans."

He then looked at Arthur and Phil and said, "I'm afraid you don't know. Mrs. Marshall is also his old lover."

Arthur was stunned. Even Phil, who was used to seeing the big events and all kinds of dramatic things as a lawyer, was shocked.

Phil instinctively asked, "Then, then you and Erika are not siblings, right?"

Ezra sneered, "Definitely not. How can he be so muddle-headed?"

Phil had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ezra say again, "But Erika's sister, Linda Marshall, is his daughter."

Phil almost spat out a mouthful of wine. "So he forced you to marry Erika. Not only can he protect Mrs. Marshall, but he can also protect Linda?"


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