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Sharing Beatrice novel by Alexis Dee novel Chapter 558

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 548 In His Cage (Beatrice Dismay)

I had passed out after receiving the news of Akin’s death. My brain didn’t want me to go through it, so it shut down for some time. However, I woke up having a panic attack. It was as if I wanted to go back in time and stop all this by killing Zane when I had a chance.

When he was in the cabin with me.

If only I knew what he was, I would have ended him right then and there.

But sadly, it was too late. We let the devil walk around freely, and now we have lost everyone that we held dear.

Title of the document

“Beatrice!” Helel called for me from the cage next to mine.

“Why are you calling for me? Everything is over now,” I said, resting my head against the bars and staring into space. My eyes would form tears, blurring my vision, and then when they passed, my sight would turn clearer.

“You think I am not affected by this news? He was my twin; he was—my brother. But we must remember that he died saving everyone. We cannot let his death go in vain. Besides, I have no idea where my daughter is,” as he spoke in a broken utter. I shook my head and started sobbing loudly this time.

“It is okay. Just let them fall. Because we still have to fight for our people and our family,” Helel was talking in utters while I was crying. I wish he was in this cage with me. I needed a shoulder so bad.

“Hey!” he then pulled his hand out and held it for me. “I promise to take revenge for what he has done. We are not letting him walk around alive after this.”

All the promises sounded too sweet, but would they be able to bring Akin back?

I stared at his hand, and as I was about to promise back, we saw Colt being dragged and dumped in the cage in front of ours.

Reign was nowhere to be found, and Shiloh was missing too. We never knew the war would go against us so badly. “I will f*ucking kill him,” I said determinedly, but it was just all talk. We were stuck, and everyone we had ever loved was now in Zane’s cage.

“He must have been so —upset,” I didn’ t know what the right word could be for how Akin must have felt when he got stabbed by his own brother.

“He was missin—g you,” Colt began to wake up, throwing up blood.

“Colt! Are you okay?’ I held the bars and shook them angrily, feeling the burn from the iron.

“He was talking about you —he wanted you to move on with Helel—the way Colt was delivering words without a break was a sad notion to how he was worried he might not get a chance to tell me about his last words.

The fact that he chose to wish a good life upon me, even when he knew it wouldn’t be with him, showed the difference between him and Zane. But I don’t know how he thought I’d be able to live a life that he isn’t a part of. “I can’t believe he is gone,” I covered my face in my hands and started crying once again.

“Colt! Where is Evelyn? What did he do to her?” Helel slid closer to the edge of the cage, watching Colt with his eyes wide open.

“I don’t kn—ow. I just know that Evelyn and Shiloh’s baby are his next target,” Colt coughed, gently rubbing his chest. “He wants to end the line of saviors,” Colt’s statement made me think of Reign’s words. She told me Shiloh’s daughter would be special. Does that mean she is in the next line of saviors? “Where is Reign?” Colt uttered it, his eyes spilling tears.

It was bizarre how we were sitting here helplessly while our loved ones were getting tortured somewhere.

“We don’t know. We d—, Helel stopped talking as his eyes focused on someone coming our way.

“What are you here to see now?” he yelled as he gripped the bars tightly. I followed his gaze to see Maura standing before us. She was wearing a long black dress with her hair in a loose braid.

“I didn’t know—,” she started talking but ended up crying.


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