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Shattered Illusions Love Lies and Redemption (Lizetta and Remington) novel Chapter 562

Remington held Lizetta close, not letting go as he addressed Hanna with a firm tone. “You yourself said that Stella’s already being taken care of by the doctors inside. I’m not a medic; how else am I supposed to show my concern? Should I barge in there and get in the doctor’s way?”

Hanna was momentarily speechless, taking a moment to regain her composure before saying, “Well, you should at least care about how Stella got injured in the first place.”

Remington nodded, “Of course, I’ve sent Cedric to check the security footage.”

Hanna mentioned that Stella got hurt while saving Lizetta, and he had to see for himself what exactly happened.

Cedric, trailing a step behind, approached, “Boss, I’ve got the footage.”

He handed a tablet to Remington, showing the moment Daisylin burst out in front of the hospital building, narrowly missing Lizetta and Stella.

After watching, Remington’s gaze turned icy as he looked over at Daisylin, who shivered under his stare.

Daisylin stumbled over her words, “I...I didn’t see Ms. West there. And, in the end, she collided into me. I fell too, and got a bit burned…”

She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a small burn on her hand, blistered and raw.

Most of the hot soup had spilled on Stella, indicating her burns were quite severe.

Remington’s expression darkened further, his eyes losing any warmth they might have held.

Daisylin shrank back, her face pale, and she lowered her head, unable to speak further.

Hanna coldly added, “Looks to me like she did it on purpose. Maybe she was in cahoots with Lizetta, aiming for Stella. Why else would she choose that exact moment to come out?”

Lizetta looked up at Hanna, “So, I’m some sort of psychic now, predicting Stella would jump in?”

Hanna matter-of-factly said, “That wouldn’t be surprising. Stella’s always been too kind for her own good, always putting others first. She was the same with Remington back in the day.”


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