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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98*** cheating on me!

Pink pov***

After four months—

Everything was going normally except that recently Derek invited himself to our castle saying that he is mad at garret and he needed to be far away for a while. I felt so weird and all the time I was keeping distance from him. I felt that he was planning for something. But I couldn’t dare to tell Valdo about my fears.

And that day was like a nightmare, no what I really dreamed of earlier just happened.

I opened my eyes tardily on Valdo hollering to me and pulling me out of the bed “what the hell are you doing in Derek bed!”

I widened my eyes scared to death when I figured out that I was in Derek bed “huh? I don’t know. I was sleeping in our room and then— how did I get in here?” a strong headache was throbbing in my head. I was barely breathing feeling dizzy.

Valdo tightened his grip around my wrist yelling and yelling “don’t lie to me! your cheater! You got fucked all that time by Derek?”

I shouted back trying to make him use his brain and think a bit, “what the hell are you saying Valdo?”

I trailed off begging him to listen to me “I swear I didn’t do anything.”

But Valdo strangled me by all of his strong hand growling in anger “I will be fucking kill you bitch!”

And while I was losing breathing or the ability to talk or even more, Derek came hurrying from nowhere pulling Valdo away from me “no, please— it's a misunderstanding.”

Derek tried to fight back with Valdo to save me “Valdo! Leave her alone. Don’t touch her.”

Chapter 98 cheating on me! 1

Chapter 98 cheating on me! 2


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King