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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 

Moira’s body tensed up, and she screamed inside, It’s too closelWhen out to turn her face away, Barclay suddenly moved his face


Before she realized what was happening, her lips softly pressed on something. She had kissed Barclay’s cheek

It finished within one second, but it was enough to overwhelm Moira. She screamed inside, What I’ve done?Her face and ears instantly turned red. Barclay lowered his head to look at her and asked, Do you want to pick up your phone?” 

Moira replied, Certainly” 

Barclay’s expression did not change at all, as if nothing had happened

Moira forced herself to ignore that her heart was racing, anxiously awaiting Barclay to put her down

Unexpectedly, instead of releasing Moira, Barclay crouched down while carrying Moira in his arms

Barclay seemed to have strong legs since he did not wobble a little when crouched down with Moira in his arms

When Moira was hesitating to reach out to get her phone, Barclay urged, What are you waiting for? Grab it.” 

Oh, right!Moira awkwardly responded and hurriedly reached out to pick up her phone

Her phone had several backflips when it fell to the floor, but its screen was safe and sound because her unwieldy phone case well protected it

Moira unlocked her phone with her fingerprint, attempting to check if it was still working. Unexpectedly, the chat page with Juliet popped up as soon as 

she unlocked it

It should not have bothered Moira if the that page was not showing her chat records about the 20 million dollars

Juliet (Why don’t you ask Mr. Covington to compensate for your twentymilliondollar loss?

Moira: [Girl, wake up from your dreams!

Juliet: [You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!

Juliet: [It’s perfectly normal for a wife to ask her husband for compensation, right?] With that, she sent a sneering emoji

Moira quickly tucked her phone against her chest. She raised her head to look at Barclay and found that he was staring at her thoughtfully

Moira wondered, The front size of the texts is small. Barclay can’t see them, can he?‘ 

Just as Moira had that thought, Barclay asked, Did you regret not taking the 20 million dollars?” 

Moira retorted, Who doesn’t love money?She moaned inside, it was 20 million dollars! Who wouldn’t regret not taking them?” 

Barclay briefly replied, Sure.” From then on, he carried Moira downstairs without uttering another word

Moira was slightly relieved, thinking, Thank God, Barclay doesn’t ask further. Otherwise, I’ll be mortified. We are legally married, but we aren’t a real couple. How come Barclay is willing to compensate me? It’s all Juliet’s fault How could she say stuff like that?‘ 

Moira felt embarrassed as they headed toward the dining hall. When Barclay finally set her down at the table, she caught Rose’s smiling eyes, which only turned her face redder. She cried inside, Ms. Graham, it’s not what you think!” 

13:28 Thu, 20 Jun ・・ 


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