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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

Moira?Lenka Sweeney called Moira for the third time, but there was still no response. She raised her hand and gently pushed 


Only then did Moira come back to her senses and look at Lenka. What’s wrong? Have we arrived?” 

Lenka shook her head and looked at Moira worriedly. Moira, are you alright? I called you three times just now” 

Moira was embarrassed. Her ears turned red. I’m fine. I was just distracted.” 

Because of Juliet’s bold analysis, she had another wild dream last night

The first half of the dream was normal. In her dream, she was playing Traumerei for Barclay before he thanked her

However, the second half was ridiculous. Barclay said that he had nothing to repay her with, so he could only choose to gift himself. to her. Then, he hugged her and kissed her

She still remembered the mangoflavored kiss

She thought, No, Juliet has made me crazy!‘ 

While she was in a daze, the car had already arrived at the charity performance venue

Moira did not dare to be distracted anymore and followed Lenka into the venue

This performance was to raise money for cochlear implants for deaf children

Moira was quite surprised when she received the invitation to the performance. After all, this charity show seemed to be quite advanced. Since she did not purposely attract attention online, she was not very famous in the country. Typically, such a large- scale charity show would not invite her. 


since she had received the invitation and it was for a good deed, Moira naturally wouldn’t refuse

Before coming, Moira and Lenka were mentally prepared that they were not going to be taken seriously by the organizers

However, when they were actually ignored, Moira was still a little unhappy. 

Lenka was also very unhappy. She had been an assistant for Moira for five years and had never been treated this way. A random staff member actually pointed at them and scolded them

If it weren’t for the fact that Moira’s fans knew that Moira was coming to this show, Lenka would have left with her long ago

She didn’t want to put up with this

Although Moira was not very happy, she was able to calm herself down. She was even able to comfort Lenka. Forget it. We’re here to do good deeds, not to gain popularity.” 

Unexpectedly, just as Moira finished speaking, she was suddenly pushed away by a staff member. Make way, make way for Miss 



Chapter 123 

Brooks. Why are you blocking the path?” 

Moira was caught off guard and was pushed. She lost her balance and fell to the ground

Her calf had just recovered enough to walk. After she fell, Moira felt a pain in her right calf

Lenka quickly went over to help her up. Moira, are you hurt?” 

Moira shook her head. I’m fine.” 


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