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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 


Juliet hurriedly scanned the trending searches and was so angry that she was trembling. She originally wanted to call Moira, but she was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her to answer the call at the performance, so she could only send a message

Juliet texted, Baby! Quickly go online and take a look. Why did Katie’s fans suddenly criticize you?

Then she sent several screenshots of the things she saw to Moira

Moira thought that Juliet was asking about her volunteer performance. She did not expect that she was being criticized. When she clicked on the screenshots, she saw a trending hashtag about her, Moira Privilege” 

After clicking on the trending topics, Moira realized they were all about scolding her

Moira frowned as she read the comments. Soon, she found the key to the problem

It turned out that when Katie was notified that she was not needed for this charity performance, she made a scene backstage for half an hour until the opening of the charity performance. When she saw Moira go on stage, she realized it was a fact that she was not needed, so she left angrily

After leaving the venue, Katie posted a tweet on Twitter, implying that Moira had kicked her out of the charity performance by using privileges

Her tweet wrote, [A certain piano player is so impressive. She thinks that she’s amazing just because she won a few awards overseas. Since she couldn’t compete with me in performance, she resorted to using privileges. Wow, what a great lesson I have had today.

As soon as Katie posted that, her fans immediately targeted Moira. In just an hour, Katie became the biggest trending topic while Moira became the second

An internet user commented, [How do you get privileges when volunteering? I don’t think this world will get better this way!] Another person commented, [Wow, Mrs. Covington, you’re really amazing. You married a good husband!

Someone else commented, [Moira, do you think that Katie doesn’t have fans? How dare an unknown pianist like you compete with her for the position of opening performance? You should be ashamed.

Almost all the comments were scolding Moira. Of course, there were also some who felt that something was wrong and wanted to voice their opinion

One person commented, I’m not sure about what happened, but I suggest everyone go search Moira’s awards. The awards she won are all very valuable.

Another person commented, [Other than the drama, there’s no doubt about Moira’s piano skills. Anyone who has done some research knows that she’s very famous internationally. It’s just that she keeps a low profile in this country and doesn’t promote herself!

However, these rational voices were quickly drowned out. Moira was scolded badly. She was even criticized for what happened between her and Alfie Guzman in the past

Chapter 134 

Moira’s mood immediately fell. She was clearly not the one in the wrong and she felt upset to get scolded like this

At the same time, Barclay’s phone vibrated

He was taking a nap at that moment. Barclay opened his eyes and slowly took out his phone to 

answer the call

Moira felt guilty as she looked at Barclay. She was hesitating if she should tell him about this


She believed that the Covington family would probably see it too since it went viral. The impact was very big

Before she could make a decision, Barclay had already hung up. He looked at her and said, Did you see what happened online?” 

Moira was stunned for a moment. Realizing that the call just now was probably from Barclay’s secretary, she had to give her honest answer. I saw it. Everyone is scolding me.” 

She thought, So be it. I’ll admit I used privilege to kick Katie out. However, I can’t stand those people who criticized my piano skill!‘ 

Moira gritted her teeth. She decided not to put up with it. She looked at Barclay and said, I can’t tolerate this, Mr. Covington.” 


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