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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137 

Ms. Graham’s words reminded Moira. She vaguely felt that Barclay’s bad mood had something to do with her

However, she was in a hurry to deal with the matters online, so she planned to talk to Barclay after calling Lenka 

However, before she could make the call, Juliet sent her a message

She texted, [Baby, the tables have turned! I am so happy. Katie is going to lose it this time. You are so impressive. Even Dwight is backing you up.

Then Juliet sent Moira a few photos

Moira clicked on the pictures and realized that within half an hour of the return trip, the public opinion on the Internet had suddenly changed drastically

It was because of Dwight, an experienced senior in the entertainment industry who had almost retired, suddenly went to Twitter to speak up for her

Dwight’s full name was Dwight White. In the past 20 years, he had been the biggest star in the music industry. Katie, a young singer who had only debuted for less than five years, was nothing in front of him

Seven years ago, Dwight stopped performing due to health reasons. In the past few years, he barely made an appearance again

He had stopped updating his Twitter account for more than two years, and suddenly posted a tweet today. II heard that some people are calling my fellow alumnae’s awards fake. Then what does that make me? @Moira.

Dwight’s sudden appearance was already shocking enough. People did not expect him to get involved in Moira’s incident. More people became interested in this matter

Dwight’s old fans knew that before Dwight became a singer, he was a professional pianist who had won many awards

Additionally, Dwight addressed Moira as his alumnae and even sounded like he was inferior to her

It was just two short sentences, but there was not much information

Dwight had studied under Leroy Chasey in his early years. There was no doubt about Leroy’s achievements in the piano field. Dwight called Moira a fellow alumnae, which meant that Moira was one of Leroyh’sapprentices

Leroy was a very arrogant person. He had only taken in three students in his life. One was Dwight, one was Neal Carr, and the last one was never revealed to the public

Now that Dwight said this, everyone knew that Leroy’s third student was Moira

It was obvious that Dwight had come out to back Moira up with his status and reputation

One could imagine how ridiculous this matter was

After Dwight made the post, many successful pianists began to speak for Moira




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