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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 


Moira wanted to ask Barclay about what he said just now. She felt that she was thinking too much. Barclay’s meaning should not be the same 

as what she thought

However, just as she was about to speak, she heard Barclay suddenly ask an irrelevant question. Do you want candy?” 

Moira lowered her head and saw that Barclay had already peeled a candy. He was just waiting for her to say yes

She nodded and reached for the candy. Thank you, Mr. Covington.” 

As soon as she reached out, the candy brushed past her hand

Barclay took the candy and placed it by her lips. This is your candy. Eat it.” 

Moira wanted to say no, but her mouth acted faster than her thoughts. She had already opened her mouth and bit the candy

Barclay’s curled index finger brushed past the corner of her lips. Moira felt an itch in her heart and almost swallowed the candy

Barclay didn’t seem to notice that and had already retracted his hand

He closed the candy box and said, You’re Mrs. Covington. The public knows about our relationship. You don’t have to worry about it affecting me.” 

Moira was chewing on her candy. When she heard his words, she was confused at first. Her eyes went blank

moved his fingers and resisted the urge to pinch her. I was talking about the situation you mentioned just now.” 

Moira also reacted. I understand.” 

She realized that she was mistaken

The day she and Barclay registered their marriage, their marriage went viral on the internet. Everyone knew about it. That didn’t happen long 


At this moment, everyone would understand that they should be very sweet to each other. It was normal for Barclay to be protective of her

However, the two of them were indeed not acting like a real couple in private

At the thought of Barclay feeding her candy, Moira raised her head and looked at Barclay’s overly goodlooking face. She suddenly felt that she could not control herself in the face of beauty

She was not a saint

Barclay seemed to be able to treat their relationship according to the contract, but it was hard for her to do the same

Moira did not have much confidence in herself. She felt that verbal restraint was not enough. It seemed like it was time to officially talk about the contract between them

She bit into the candy again, and the sour and sweet taste of mango spread throughout her mouth

12:25 Mon, 24 

Chapter 141 

Moira became serious as she said, Mr. Covington, shouldn’t we have a formal version of our cooperation by signing our signatures on


Afraid that Barclay would misunderstand, Moira quickly added, Don’t misunderstand. I’m not worried about you having any weird thoughts

I’m mainly worried about me” 

Halfway through her sentence, Moira realized that it was not appropriate to say that

Worried about what?Barclay looked at her. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and an ambiguous smile appeared on his face


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