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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Katie did not expect her manager to really ignore her. She looked at her manager’s departing figure in disbelief. Rebecca, do you believe that I’ll fire you right now?” 

Rebecca had just walked to the door when she heard Katie’s words. She found it funny and said, My ability is limited. Miss Brooks, you have a powerful family. I believe it’s not difficult for Mr. William to find a more capable manager for you. Since you look down on me so much, tell Mr. Chandler to replace me.” 

She had really had enough

Rebecca opened the door and left without looking back

YouKatie was actually just in a fit of anger. When she saw that Rebecca had really left, she panicked. However, it was only for a moment

Katie did not take Rebecca seriously

She thought, Go ahead and leave me. I don’t really need you anyway

While Katie couldn’t receive any help from William, she had already received more than two hundred thousand of comments criticizing her 

on Twitter

She couldn’t take it anymore and posted a tweet, [Mrs. Covington is so impressive. I’ve learned how resourceful you are. I am sorry I have offended you

Katie’s tweet was very sarcastic. As soon as it was posted, she thought that she could have people resonate with her by playing the victime, but she did not expect it to backfire. Even some of her diehard fans could not help but say that this was a little too much when they saw 

Katie’s tweet

Even if Katie did not lose her career this time, she had lost most of her fans

Moira saw that this matter had almost settled, so she stopped checking Twitter. She planned to go to the piano room to practice

Unexpectedly, just as she got up, there was a knock on the door. It’s me.A deep male voice sounded

Moira was stunned for a moment. She quickly got up and opened the door Mr. Covington?” 

The agreement has been drawn up. Do you want to see it?Barclay stood at the door with empty hands

Yeah, sure.Moira followed him to the study. When she reached the stairs, she was a little surprised to see Linden. She greeted, Hi, Linden.” 

Hi, Mrs. Covington.Linden nodded and made an excuse to leave in a hurry

Two hours ago, he suddenly received a call from Barclay. He thought that something had happened to the company, but he did not expect Barclay to ask him to draft an agreement. He was good at drafting agreements 

However, when he heard Barclay’s request, Linden even wondered if he was hallucinating

Barclay did not give him any time. He directly stated the contents of the agreement and asked Linden to type it out

Recalling the agreement, Linden was full of doubts as he looked at Moira


Chapter 146 

He did not dare to show it. He only glanced at Moira and politely greeted her before tactfully leaving 

Moira quickly reacted. Linden probably came to deliver the agreement

She retracted her gaze and followed Barclay into the study

Barclay handed the agreement to her. Take a look.” 


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