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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 161

Upon hearing the stylist's words, Moira immediately put down her hand.

How could she dare to touch such an expensive necklace?

The stylist helped her put on the necklace when she was in a daze.

The flawless brown-yellow diamond necklace was now on Moira's neck. It was stuck to her chest and shone brightly under the light.

Moira glanced at herself in the mirror in front of her, her gaze resting on the big diamond. She wanted to ask someone to put the necklace away, but she was afraid that she would appear ignorant.

It was too expensive.

She could not afford to compensate for a necklace worth 80 million dollars if anything happened to it.

Moira murmured inwardly, 'What kind of party is this? Why do I have to wear such an expensive necklace?'

"You're so gorgeous, Mrs. Covington." The stylist clapped his hands and praised Moira sincerely.

Moira smiled. "Thank you."

With a necklace worth 80 million dollars, she would certainly look good!

As soon as Barclay went upstairs, he saw Moira standing in front of the mirror. It was rare to see her dressed like that. Her tight dress perfectly displayed her slender waist, and under the diamond pendant was a faintly discernible curve of ample bosoms.

His eyes darkened slightly as he walked over. "Pretty."

Moira was shocked by the familiar fragrance of perfume. As she turned her head and met Barclay's deep eyes, she subconsciously raised her hand to touch her hot and red ears. "You're here."

Barclay was wearing a tailored white suit, which was also rare to see.

His facial features were wonderful and strong, and his appearance was quite striking. However, coldness wrapped from head to toe. With such a white suit on him, he looked even more noble and indifferent.

That was right. He looked indifferent and elegant.

Moira glanced at the mirror once again. She felt that if she stood beside Barclay in a white slim-fit dress, it would look like they were wearing a couple's outfit.

Chapter 161 1


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