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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 164

Barclay noticed Moira's actions and frowned slightly. "Don't you like it?"

It wasn't that Moira didn't like the wine. She was just afraid that she would make a scene.

When it came to drinking, she was a classic example of low alcohol tolerance and overly confidence.

She still remembered the last time she mentioned "car sex" in front of Barclay when she was drunk.

Moira's face could not help but be flushed when she recalled that. "It's not good to drink."

Although the wine was delicious, it would be embarrassing if she was drunk!

She had quit it!

Barclay's lips curled into a rare smile. He reached out and took the glass of red wine away from Moira's hand. Then, he got a cup of orange juice from a waiter's tray and handed it to her. "Drink this."

Moira looked at the people around her and saw everyone shaking their glasses of red wine. She was dressed so beautifully, and holding a cup of orange juice didn't match her temperament at all.

She thought, 'Actually, I can take the wine glass in my hand and not drink... Forget it, Mr. Covington is just being kind.'

"Thank you."

Moira took the cup. Just as she retracted her gaze, someone came to greet her and Barclay. "Mr. Covington, Mrs. Covington".

She looked over and found that it was Ashton Lindley, the eldest son of Summit.

Barclay was a distinguished guest for tonight's banquet, and Ashton had to come to welcome him in person.

Barclay clasped Moira's waist and nodded lightly at Ashton. "Mr. Lindley."

Moira straightened her back and smiled appropriately. "Mr. Lindley."

"I didn't expect you to take the time out of your busy schedule to come. Please forgive me for not greeting you well, Mr. Covington and Mrs. Covington."

Chapter 164 1

Chapter 164 2

Chapter 164 3


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