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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 178

Barclay seemed to be in the study. When Moira went upstairs just now, she happened to see him enter the study.

Moira walked straight to the study and knocked on the door. "Mr. Covington, are you inside?"

The door was not closed tightly. She only knocked twice, and it opened wider.

Moira was afraid that she would see something she shouldn't see, so she reached out and was about to close the door. Unexpectedly, just as she gripped the door handle, a force pulled it inside.

The next second, the door was open, and Moira was also pulled inside. She lost her balance and hit Barclay's chest.

She looked up awkwardly and happened to meet Barclay's deep eyes. She took a step back hurriedly and said, "Mr. Covington."

Barclay took in the embarrassment on her face. His gaze swept across the tips of her red ears, and his eyebrows raised slightly. "You sleepwal again?"

Moira was speechless.

Could he just let it go and not mention it again?

Moira bit her lip lightly. "Rose said that we have a guest."

"A guest?"

Barclay frowned for a moment and then walked out of the study. "Let's go downstairs and take a look."


It was the weekend, yet someone was so insensible.

Moira went downstairs together with Barclay and immediately saw Cynthia on the sofa.

There was only Cynthia.

It was strange.

Where was Bernice?

Did she eat too much and go to the washroom?

Chapter 178 1


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