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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 181

Barclay seemed surprised and gazed at her face. "Dating?"

Moira's face flushed red, feeling utterly embarrassed, and wanted to disappear immediately.

She tapped her mouth twice. "I was joking, just trying to lighten the mood with a joke. Is it not funny?"

How awkward! She wanted to escape so badly!

Fortunately, at that moment, Barclay's phone rang.

Without waiting for him to speak, Moira tactfully said, "I suddenly remembered something I have to do." Then, she dashed upstairs.

Back in her room, Moira buried her face in the pillow.

Thinking about her nonsense just now, she wished she could sew her mouth shut.

Rolling on the bed, she remembered Cynthia's 6 million dollars check.

Moira picked up the check from beside her pillow, even miscounting the zeros after the "6" on her first attempt.

It was indeed 6 million dollars!

Moira couldn't believe it. How did she suddenly get 6 million dollars?

She couldn't fathom Cynthia's motives.

Taking her phone, she quickly sent a message to Juliet with a photo of the check. [I don't understand Cynthia's mindset. She thanked me this morning and then handed me a 6 million dollar check!]

Juliet instantly replied: [Could it be that Cynthia likes you, not Barclay?]

Moira was rendered speechless by Juliet's message. She wasn't into that!

Suddenly, Moira felt uneasy about the "6 million dollars" in her hands. At lunchtime, she had to bring up the issue with Barclay.

Chapter 181 1

Chapter 181 2

Chapter 181 3


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