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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 192

Moira held her breath for a moment, staring at Barclay. "Mr. Covington, I'm sorry..."

She reached out to take the phone from him.

Barclay didn't make it difficult for her. He released the phone and placed it back in her hand.

Moira took the phone, her ears burning, and glanced guiltily at Barclay. Surely he hadn't seen it?

The driver in front was apologizing, explaining that a delivery car had suddenly dashed out.

Barclay didn't say anything, simply saying, "Keep going."

Jordan breathed a sigh of relief, driving even more cautiously.

The atmosphere in the car quieted down again, and Moira breathed a sigh of relief.

If Barclay hadn't reacted, then he probably hadn't seen it.

Actually, even if he had seen it, it wasn't a big deal. She hadn't said anything to Juliet except praise him!

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the villa.

Moira and Barclay got out of the car and walked side by side into the living room.

Moira headed to the kitchen island to pour herself a glass of warm water, but Barclay had already poured it and gave her.

Moira said, "Thank you."

She glanced at Barclay, her gaze lingering momentarily on the collar of his shirt, where his collarbone was faintly visible.

But it was just a moment. Moira quickly averted her eyes.

From now on, she vowed to be the fresh and lovely Moira!

Sneaking glances at his abs and collarbones was absolutely not allowed!

As she silently made this resolution, her gaze suddenly flickered, and she subconsciously looked up.

The next moment, she saw Barclay's fingers leisurely unbuttoning his shirt.

Above his slightly curved index finger was the prominent Adam's apple.


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