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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

Meanwhile, seated inside the black Bentley, Barclay suddenly exclaimed, Stop the car. The driver in the front seat quickly pulled over

Linden, sitting in the passenger seat, turned around puzzledly and looked at Barclay with caution. What’s wrong, Mr. Covington?” 

You two are off duty. Get out 

it of the car immediately, and then take a cab home. The company will reimburse your expenses,Barclay said

Earlier, an impolite business partner had arranged a surprise for Barclay in the private room. Barclay had left impassively after seeing it. He had been silent since getting in the car, until receiving a phone call half a minute ago. When he suddenly shouted stop the car,Linden thought he was going to explode in anger

Upon hearing Barclay’s words, Linden quickly got out of the car with the driver. Barclay took the driver’s seat, swiftly drove away, leaving only Linden 

and the driver on the roadside

Fifteen minutes later, Barclay’s car arrived at the villa area where the Jimenez family’s villa was located, Flora Valley. Two minutes later, Barclay drove slowly into a small lane and then stopped in front of the Jimenez family’s villa

As Barclay stepped out of the car, he noticed someone standing beside the car ahead, Alfie

Barclay glanced at Alfle, his gaze as indifferent as if he were looking at a roadside stone

As Alfie felt the disdain from Barclay, his expression darkened even more. Mr. Covington, you’re quite the actor.” 

Barclay pressed the doorbell, then turned his head to look at Allie. Is that so? Considering I’ll still be playing this role for seventy or eighty years, I hope my acting skills keep improving. I just hope you live long enough to see it.

As Barclay Finished speaking. Thomas opened the gate. Mr. Covington, please come in 

Seeing Thomas being so polite to Barclay, Alfie couldn’t help but feel angry. Thomas used to treat Alfie with the same courtesy, but now it seemed like he treated him as if he were invisible

As Barclay entered, Alfie also wanted to follow, but before he could step inside, Thomas stopped him. Mr. Guzman, Mr. Jimenez has already made it clear that you’re not welcome here.With that, Thomas slammed the door shut, leaving Alfie outside

As Alfie watched Barclay follow Thomas inside, his expression became even darker

Mr. Covington, Mr. 

  1. r. and Jimenez are waiting for you upstairs,Thomas said

Barclay nodded and followed Thomas upstairs

Moira knew Barclay had arrived as soon as she heard the doorbell. Thinking about how she had just called him Hubby,her cheeks felt hat

Just as she was feeling embarrassed, Thomas had already led Barclay in. Mr. Jimenez, Ms. Jimenez, Mr. Covington is here,” 

Barclay first greeted Aiken, saying, Mr. Jimenez, good evening.” 

Then, his gaze fell on Moira sitting on the sofa

Compared to Alfie, Alken found Barclay particularly pleasant, so he said very kindly. Thank you for coming. Please, have a seat!” 

He glanced at Moira and then walked directly to her side and sat down. You’re welcome. It’s the least I can do.” 

Aiken personally poured a cup of coffee for Barclay Afraid of any misunderstandings, he explained, That guy downstairs was just calling out for Moira, and we were afraid of disturbing the neighbors, so we had to go down and talk to him. Moira asked you to come to get him to leave.” 

Barclay accepted the coffee. Don’t worry. As Moira’s husband, I fully trust her.” 

00:15 Sun, 16 Jun 


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