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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 65

Chapter 65 

The lipstick mark… 

The others kept their focus on the contract, not daring to intervene in the smokeless war

Felix stared at the lipstick coldly. Then he picked up his phone, a casual smile playing on his lips

Moira, rubbing her aching stomach, felt that something was off. She glanced at Felix and noticed that he was staring at Barclay. Then she followed Felix’s gaze to look at Barclay

When Moira looked up and saw the lipstick mark exposed by Barclay, she seemed to be struck by lightning

Moira’s face turned red instantly. Despite wearing makeup, her cheeks were noticeably flushed

Her skin was fair, and with the light makeup she wore tonight, the foundation was very light, making her cheeks appear rosy

Moira breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t see anyone else looking. The others seemed to be discussing the contract, except for Felix, who had noticed the lipstick mark

She relaxed a bit, her mind racing as she tried to find a way to cover up the Epstick mark 

But she couldn’t think of a way. If she raised her hand, everyone would definitely look over

Moira was getting anxious. Finally, she could only let Barclay take care of it himself

She reached for Barclay’s sleeve. Just as she was about to grab it, Barclay’s hand suddenly slid down, and Moira opened her hand, accidentally pinching his pinkie

Moira stiffened for a moment and then quickly let go of her hand

She raised her head and suddenly met his deep gaze

I didn’t mean to,Moira said

Then she quickly averted her gaze, no longer daring to mention the lipstick mark

She turned her gaze so quickly that she didn’t see his faint smile

Felix watched them and tapped his phone on the table

was busy with the contract, was attracted. What’s wrong?he asked

Zachary, who was 

Felix picked up a glass of water and took a sip, saying, Nothing, just a tremor” 

Zachary didn’t pay much attention. He had finished the contract, and the specific terms had been discussed beforehand

The manager of the brand department took the contract, glanced at Barclay, and said bravely, Mr. Covington, we can sign the contract.” 

Barclay raised his gaze lightly, showing no intention of taking the contract. Okay.” 

The manager was about to ask if Barclay needed to check the terms when the latter quickly signed his name and handed the contract to Zachary 

Zachary took the contract and asked Felix to sign it

Felix then took his gaze away and signed the contract

With the contract signed, tonight’s dinner came to a satisfactory end 

00:18 Sun, 16 Jun 


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