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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82
by room without the host’s allowance
Although Barclay told her to choose a room herself, Moira, out of politeness, wouldn’t go room by
She finished her water and refilled her glass before browsing the internet on her phonn.

Alfie and Claire were not celebrities, so there was no trace of news about them anymore.
However, Moira’s Twitter account gained over 100 thousand followers overnight.

And they were all real followers, not bots.

Moira’s Twitter account had grown from just over 20 thousand followers to over 500 thousand in the past two months, mainly thanks to Claire.
Moira thought, ‘If I were to do some advertising, I could probably earn a lot.”

But Moira just thought about it. She didn’t have such plans.

There wasn’t much interesting on Twitter today. All the hot topics were about promotions.

Moira wasn’t very interested in the entertainment industry, so she soon logged out.

At this time, Juliet sent her a message.
Juliet: (Moira, have you arrived at your husband’s house?]

Moira blushed uncontrollably at the mention of “husband.” [Just arrived.]
Juliet: [So early? It’s only ten o’clock, What time did Mr. Covington go to pick you up?]
Moira: [Eight. Can you believe it?]

Juliet: [Tsk, he couldn’t wait any longer.]

Moira felt that she couldn’t continue the conversation. She was about to send an emoji to end the chat when Barclay came down.

Moira answered, “Not yet.”
He unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of soda water.

With her right call not fully healed, most of Moira’s walking effort was concentrated on her left foot, causing her to move at a slower pace.
Barclay stood at the top of the stairs, not in a hurry, and started walking upstairs only after she caught up.


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