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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 

Moira’s hand was caught, and she felt a little unhappy. The intoxication emboldened her. Mr. Covington, can you stop swaying?she said

Frowning, she looked at Barclay in front of her, feeling like her head was spinning from his swaying

Hearing her words. Barclay knew Moira was drunk

He let go of her hand and said, Sit tight.” 

Moira withdrew her hand, adjusted her posture, and placed her hands on her knees like a child. Then, she looked at him with bright eyes and said, I behave well” 

Her bright eyes seemed to be saying Praise me. Praise me.” 

Barclay looked at her, his Adam’s apple rolling up and down. There was restraint in his deep eyes

He reached out and tapped Moira’s head lightly. His usually cold voice softened slightly, carrying a hint of warmth that was hard to detect. You’re good.” 

Unfortunately, Moira was currently intoxicated

She couldn’t tell the difference, and she was still fixated on Barclay’s swaying

After sitting for a few seconds, she bit her lip, raised her hands, and covered Barclay’s face, saying, Mr. Covington, please stop swaying. If you keep swaying, I’ll throw up.” 

Due to the height difference, Moira tiptoed slightly to reach Barclay’s face. 

A drunk person’s strength was unpredictable. Barclay was caught off. His face was covered by her hands, his cheeks being squeezed inward, distorting his nose and lips 

Why are you still swaying, Mr. Covington? Can’t you sit still!” 

Moira was on the verge of tears and wondered, Why is his face still swaying even when I am holding it? And it’s distorting” 

Barclay was almost amused by her antics. He grabbed Moira’s hands and held them down. Clase your eyes and go to sleep.” 

The lights outside the car window cast flickering shadows as they reflected inside. They brushed across Moira’s eyes, causing her to instinctively turn her head to avoid them, So bright and dazzling!she exclaimed

She was attracted by the lights outside the car window and didn’t pay attention to Barclay’s face 


After staring for a while, Moira furrowed her brow and said, It’s swaying so much, are we in a bar? Why are the Eights swaying like this?” 

She kept mentioning the swaying

Barclay directly pulled her into his arms and said, You’re drunk. Things won’t be swaying when you sober up.” 

Moira found herself pressed against his chest, and the familiar woody scent became even more pronounced, permeating her nostrils more strongly than 


She took a deep breath and struggled to free herself from Barclay’s embrace. Then she rested her chin on his shoulder, sniffing the base of his neck, It smells so good. What perfume are you wearing, Mr. Covington?” 



10:46 Wed

Chapter 90 


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