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She Flash-Married To His Rival novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

Despite his reluctance, Barclay restrained himself after just a light kiss

He relaxed his grip and lay on the bed, closing his eyes and breathing slowly

However, the fragrant scent beside him kept walking over. He felt tormented

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Moira, who was embracing him. He smiled resignedly

She couldn’t hold her liquor, but she was

quite bold


Moira had a dream. In the dream, she turned into a rabbit suddenly kissed by a sheep while she was eating grass

The sheep looked at her apologetically and even offered her some grass to eat

Just as Moira thought the sheep was nice, it suddenly stood up, ripped open its belly, and then a wolf emerged from inside the sheepskin. Its eyes were glowing red as it stared at her

Just as Moira was about to run, she was pinned down by the woll. The woll hooked her waist and pulled her back, pressing her to the ground and licking her up and down.. 

She watched as the wolf licked her leisurely, as if cleaning the prey about to enter its belly

Just as Moira thought the wolf was going to let her go, it suddenly bared its fangs… 

She opened her eyes and realized she was dreaming 

But when she looked at the surrounding environment, Moira wondered if she was dreaming within a dream

She quickly pinched her cheek. The pain made her realize that this was not a dream

Awake?Barclay asked

He sat up, and the loose neckline of his pajamas opened up

Moira turned her head and saw his fair yet firm abdominal muscles. She was shocked

I.. YouWe……….Moira felt like crying

She was simply intoxicated. Why did things escalate to this point

What are you thinking?Barclay asked

Her scalp tightened slightly as her braid was tugged

Moira cautiously turned her head back, meeting his gaze, and squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, Mr. Covington, what happened last night between us? Did something happen between us?” 

Barclay got up, unbuttoning the third button of his pajamas leisurely, and leaned over, asking her, What exactly do you mean? If you don’t make yourself clear, it’s hard for me to answer your questions.” 

Barclay’s warm breath enveloped her, making Moira’s face hot. She felt guilty and dared not look into Barclay’s eyes. L. I hope I didn’t offend you last night 

Chapter 92 

Her voice trembled at the end. In the early morning, they lay on the same bed, and Moira was clinging to Barclay. She was about to break down

Juliet had mentioned that Moira would act indecently when drunk, but Moira never imagined she would do such things

What do you think?Barclay snorted and straightened up, then calmly left the room


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