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She is a CEO by George Chapman novel Chapter 92

Lucia's eyes turned to Juliana.

"Arthur is not here. Don't pretend to be enthusiastic." Juliana was frank by nature. Arthur was not around. She didn't want to do more extra entertainment with Lucia. Looking at her eyes full of surprise and innocence, she was even more disdainful in her heart.

"Julia, did you misunderstand me?" Lucia smiled faintly, and was not panicked. Juliana could honestly show her dissatisfaction, but she felt relieved.

"It's hard to say if it's a misunderstanding." Juliana withdrew her gaze and said coldly as she looked at the painting in front of her.

Lucia quickly recalled whether she had offended Juliana after meeting her, but unfortunately she had no clue, so she said,

"Julia, I don't like hiding. You're Arthur's friend. I don't want a rift between us. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say it directly."

"Do you still need me to say it directly?" Admittedly, it would be gratifying for ordinary people to be so reasonable, but it was Lucia, and Juliana only thought her words were fake.

Lucia was speechless for a moment. Juliana's way of dialogue was like an interrogation method. She stirred up her opponent with only a contemptuous tone.

With Juliana's way of speaking, Lucia smiled and asked patiently, "We haven't known each other for a long time, and we may not be in sync on some things. If I have offended you in any way, please let me know."

"We may really have different ideas, but I believe in my own way of distinguishing black and white. I know that betraying husband is shameful, and I know that it is dissolute woman who seduces another women's husband."

Juliana's personality simply did not allow her to be vain and submissive to Lucia anymore, and she had long wanted to be open and honest with her, even if such behavior can only serve as a warning to her.

Lucia lowered her eyes and finally knew why Juliana was hostile to her. Juliana had been Athegate for a few days, and it was estimated that she had heard rumors about her.

Lucia didn't blame Juliana. She had been criticized herself, let alone for her first time with these things.

"Julia, there are some things that can't just be superficial, only hearsay. I have never done those things, so I can stand by Arthur's side calmly. You can ask Arthur in detail about the details. He was also involved. It may be better for him to explain it to you."

Lucia said patiently.

Superficial? Juliana raised her eyebrows high, full of disdain, but she saw Lucia pestering Jacob with her own eyes! Hearsay? Those truths were only hearsay in her case?!

Lucia didn't know that Poppy had approached Juliana, causing her words to backfire on her.

"Don't use Arthur as a shield. He is now on you, and because of Theodore's existence, he must be speaking for you. You let me go to him just to make a difference between the two of us. I'm not so stupid." Juliana scoffed.

Lucia couldn't argue. The explanation of the matter by her own was not credible. And she was not happy to let Juliana go to Arthur to find out the truth. Could the misunderstanding only continue?

In the end, Lucia could only ask, "So what are you going to do?"

"Look at you. It's impossible to leave Arthur on your own initiative. I don't want Arthur to get hurt," Juliana turned to Lucia and sneered, "But I won't watch you take advantage of him."


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