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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Winnie‘s heart skipped a beat.

Her acting had been flawless, considering no one in the family had noticed anything odd about her. Is a laptop really going to ruin my plans?

There was a brief silence before she marched toward Xavier angrily. “Hmph! How can you take away my toys, Handsome?”

“Toys?” Xavier was getting irritated, but he wasn‘t sure why. “What kind of toy is this?”

Her mouth opened, but she didn‘t have the words she wanted to say. This erpression of his... He looks as though he got angry after being played for a fool. Hasnt he been pretending to be in a coma when I married into this family? Were boih lying. None of us is better than the other. The only difference is that Ive been lying to him for far longer.

That line of thinking made her feel justified to face him properly.

Thus, she withdrew the innocent look in her eyes.

Just as she was going to lift her arms and act like her authentic self, she realized Xavier wasn‘t talking about the laptop hiding in her luggage

He was talking about the two photos in his hand.

Holy cr*p! I almost revealed everything because of two mere photos! That revelation made her feel as though she was about to crack open.

Thankfully, her reaction speed was fast. Without delay, she prétended to be stupid again and snatched the photos away before protecuing them in her embrace. These are my two other Handsomes. You can‘t take them from me.”

Xavier‘s scowl intensified, especially when he saw how much Winnic treasured those two pictures. “Don‘t you only have one Handsome, me? Why are there two more?”

With a pout, Winnie stuffed the photos into her collar. These two… are from Granny‘s place. Indeed, I have two more. You‘re not the only one.”

In an instant, he felt as though he had been cheated on. It didn‘t help that she put those two pictures in front of her chest.

Part of Xavier‘s jealousy came from the fact that he hadn‘t gotten the chance to admire that chest with his hands yet. “Give me the pictures.”

Winnie shook her head. “No. You‘re being scary. I‘m too scared to do it.”

While she spoke, she strolled to a corner, luring him far away from the luggage.

As expected, Xavier followed behind her. When he saw the fear in her eyes directed at him, he didn‘t feel good

In fact, he was very annoyed because he really wanted to tear the pictures to pieces. “You said they‘re your Handsomes too. Are they the same as me?”

His legs were long, so it only took him less than a handful of steps to force her to the wall.

Winnie stared at the big man in front of her fearfully and innocently as she nodded. “Mhm. It‘s the same. Your eyes are so scary right now, Handsome. Don‘t look at me like that.”

Her grip on the photos tightened.

While she was pretending to be very pitiful and afraid of the man in front of her, she loved seeing how anxious she made him. This isn‘t close enough. He should get a little closer, bend down, and use his hot, se.ry voice to talk next to my ear. He seems to like it when I stare at him with an innocent look. Hmm, I should squeeze out a few tears.

Moments later, tears welled in her eyes. “What are you doing, Handsome?”

The temperature of the amorous atmosphere in the corner was rising.

Her weak voice made Xavier‘s heart flutter as he gulped subconsciously.

“What am I doing?” He raised his hand, effortlessly pinning her fair and slender wrists on the wall above her head. “Don‘t you know what I am doing? Are you not aware your hand is injured right now? Your hand still has bandages wrapped around it, yet you keep abusing your hand! Do you want to lose your hand for two pictures?”

Am I crazy? Did I actually fall for her? Not only that, I was jealous of her because of how shes calling the people in those two pictures! I cant believe I used to want to ravage the body of a mentally challenged woman! He was having difficulty coming to terms with his thoughts.


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