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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 100

  **Imogen’s POV

  12 months later**

  The last year has been epic, we were three days out from the wedding. Tobias and Theo were at work and I was trying to get Thaddeus ready so I can retry on my dress, the woman in the shop insisted. Which I knew was pointless, my body hadn’t and can’t change, but it wasn’t like I could tell her that. Just as I was about to walk out the door, piking up Thaddeus only for him to throw up on my dress. My appointment was in forty minutes and it was at least a thirty-minute drive into town.

  “Come on, could this day get any worse” I groan and suddenly he projectile vomits all over my hair as well. Why, why did I say that? “You just had to prove it could. Didn’t you little man? Come on, I need to change you and myself now” I tell him walking up the stairs. Walking up the stairs I place my hand on his head and Thaddeus feels a little warm making me wonder if he is coming down with something.

  Placing him on the bed, I go to the dresser and retrieve him a change of clothes and grab a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean his face. Thaddeus watches me from where he sits, his cheeks all red and his curly black hair covering his eyes..

  “Mummy” He cries, making me rush to his side just in time for him to puke on the comforter.

  “Whats wrong little man?” I ask, feeling his head, which is beading in sweat. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I call Tobias and he answers after one ring.

  “What’s wrong, hun?” He asks.

  “Something is wrong with Thaddeus, I think he is sick”


  “Yes, he won’t stop spewing and he feels hot”

  “Is he teething?”

  I run my fingers along his bottom gums feeling nothing before running my fingers across the top gums and i gasp as i feel the edges of razor sharp fangs as they cut through the pad of my thumb. I pull my finger back before lifting his top lip to reveal three fangs on either side of his two middle teeth.

  “What babe, say something” Tobias says alarmed through the phone.

  “He.. He has fangs”

  “Fangs? Did you say fangs?”

  “Yes Tobias fucking fangs” I yell annoyed from repeating myself.

  “We are on our way, I will ring Astral and see what she says” Tobias says before hanging up. Thaddeus wriggles around trying to get up and I pick him before walking to the bathroom deciding a nice cool shower might bring his temp down. Stripping myself and him off, I turn the shower on so it is only lukewarm before holding his hand and letting him step into the shower. He stands under the water and I hop in with him before grabbing the loofa and soap washing him.Thaddeus seems to feel better while the cool water runs over him as he plays with his truck on the shower floor while I wash the spew from my hair. Once I am done, I turn the shower off only to hear the front door open. It was to early for them to be back yet I only just got off the phone to Tobias a few minutes ago. Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around myself and grab Thaddeus from the shower floor where he was playing.

  “Who’s that?” I sing out when suddenly Theo appears, and I let out the breath I was holding. “Geez, you scared me, did you run here?”

  Theo nods before walking over and taking Thaddeus from me. “How’s daddy’s little man” He says kissing his wet little head.

  “He is quite warm” He states before laying him on the bed and drying him with the towel.

  Twenty minutes later we had Thaddeus dressed, and I was making him a bottle when he started screaming. Theo trying to calm him, but nothing either of us did would make him settle. Tobias walks in and immediately runs to his side, Thaddeus face bright red from holding his breath screaming.

  “What’s wrong with him, he is never like this?” Tobias says worriedly. Thaddeus quiets down and Tobias seems to have calmed him as he rests his head down on his father’s shoulder.

  “He is so warm” Tobias mutters taking the damp cloth from Theo and draping it on Thaddeus head trying to cool him down. Thaddeus turns his face and at first I thought he was trying to get away from the cold wet cloth when Tobias suddenly grunts and his eyes glaze over slightly before he shakes his head.


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