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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 110

  Evelyn’s POV

  Escaping the dining room, I had only been in the shower for a few minutes when I heard the bathroom door’s handle snap and fall to the floor. My heart skips a beat when I look over my shoulder, and Thaddeus standing in the doorway making me scream in fright. I watch as his chest rises and falls heavily with each breath he takes, a growl escaping his lips and a look of pure desire gracing his face. Fear consumes me as his eyes glaze over, turning pitch black. His fangs protruding, forcing his lips to part. Trying to cover myself as best I can, I keep my back to him. Thaddeus walks in, reaching for the handle on the shower screen.

  “Orion,” I scream out to him, hoping he will make him go away. Orion steps in leaning on the doorframe, a bored look on his face.

  “Thaddeus,” he calls to him. And I watch horrified as Thaddeus snarls, his face distorting in anger as he turns to Orion. Orion straightens up just as Thaddeus lunges at him. My scream echoes and bounces off the tiled walls as I frantically turn the water off. I can hear fighting and things getting broken. Grabbing my towel, I wrap it around myself before stepping into the bedroom. Thaddeus has Orion on the ground before Orion shoves him off. Ryland walks in and pinches the bridge of his nose. I look to Ryland, but he just shrugs, and I can tell he isn’t going to help Orion,

  I watch as Thaddeus punches Orion before flinging him into the dresser. Orion shakes himself off, getting to his feet when the lights flicker. My heart hammers in my chest and I find it hard to breathe as I watch both of them fight each. Thaddeus kicks Orion, and he smashes through the wall. Orion doesn’t even have a chance to get up before Thaddeus stalks toward him. Rushing forward I grip Thaddeus arm trying to stop when he shoves me away, making me fall onto the carpet at the end of the bed. My body hitting the floor with a soft thump.

  I gasp and I see Ryland go to help me up when Thaddeus’s eyes snap to mine. His entire body turns as he reaches down, grabbing my ankle. I kick at him before scrambling backwards, clutching my towel to me. Thaddeus growls and I look to Ryland for help, but he just stands there confusing me.

  Thaddeus lunges at me. I try to shove him off and he growls low, making my hair stand on end. His face in the crook of my neck as he inhales. When he pulls his face back, I see my reflection mirrored in his demonic eyes. Fear flooding into me as I see Orion stand. I scoot back on my hands, but Thaddeus just stalks me, following me before he knocks me flat on my back, his hands clawing at my towel, as his lips and tongue go to my neck. I try to shove him off. Panic consumes me as I watch Orion and Ryland step closer but do nothing but watch as he pulls me around like a puppet on strings, forcing my hands above my head. I watch as he lifts his head, his nose running across my cheek. I feel my breath get caught in my throat when I realise, he isn’t a man in this moment but the monster lurking beneath the surface. The monster everyone fears, The Dark King.

  I can feel my heart bumping my blood around my body, hear my pulse in my ears as he leans his weight on me. Tears brimming in my eyes as I watch horrified as his fangs graze my lips and I feel my blood trickle down my chin. When he drops his head into my neck, I know he is going to bite me. My heart thumps against my chest erratically, and I struggle against his hold on my hands before dropping my face, trying to shield him from my neck when he growls.

  “Orion, please,” I plead with him to help. He goes to step forward when Ryland’s hand to stop him.

  “Leave her,” he tells him, making my blood run cold. Why won’t they help? I struggle against Thaddeus, but his grip just gets stronger as he tugs my towel down before palming my breast roughly. Crying out when he squeezes it, I feel his fingers bruising my skin. I try to free my hands that are trapped in one of his. Thaddeus face leaning closer, his eyes not leaving my neck, and I can tell he wants to feed on me. He was gone too far gone, in this moment everything that makes him part human gone. His growl was feral, and I see Orion hesitate, but Ryland’s hand gripped his wrist, tugging him back.

  “She needs to learn,” Ryland’s says, making eyebrows furrow. Learn what? How to fucking die? I think I am a master at near-death experiences. Thaddeus watches me curiously, his head tilting to the side as he examines my face, like he is trying to remember who I am and what I am to him. His eyes flicker oddly between their hypnotic green and the black orbs. My eyes dart to his razor-sharp fangs, so close to my face, making me wonder if dying will hurt when he sinks them into me. Adrenaline courses through me I watch as he sniffs the air closing his eyes relishing my scent, and I do the only thing I can in the position I am in, completely at his mercy.


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