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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 12

  For some reason seeing him sent a shiver up my spine. He looked more like a predator now that I could see him more clearly. He was huge. Even sitting down, his head could easily see through the windows. I wonder what mutated breed he is. I am assuming it is a he, I wasn’t game enough to go check. I know I wouldn’t want anyone checking between my legs to see what I was, if I was a dog. Opening my car door, he walked over to me. I patted his big head. He pressed his nose onto my side where the gash was. I hissed a little from the direct pressure on it. I don’t know how but since he touched it, I was fully aware of the zig zagged cut across my side.

  Deciding I should recheck it, I lifted my shirt. The dog watched, turning his from side to side like he was studying it. I pulled the gauze back. It held together well and wasn’t pouring out blood, but I definitely required stitches. Examining it in the light, I was pretty confident that across my hip bone that jutted out under my skin, that the cut in at least that area was to the bone. I tried to pry it open with my fingers a little so I could see layers of tissue outside my skin instead of under it. I had thankfully stopped bleeding, but I needed stitches or it would either get infected or leave a terrible scar. That’s the last thing I needed.

  Placing the gauze back over it, I reached for the bottle of vodka. The stray tilted his head watching me. His eyes looked so human like as he stared at me. I felt he was judging me. I turned away from his watchful gaze and took another mouthful. The dog stuck around for a few more minutes before he took off back down the ramp, leading to the lower levels of the car park. I had only five minutes left of break so decided to lock my car up and walked back inside.

  When I reached the office, Theo was perched on the end of my desk like he was waiting for someone. That someone was me.

  “Where did you go?” he asked. He seemed to sniff the air for a second. It was such a strange thing to do. I have caught him doing it multiple times over the last few months, maybe it was like an involuntary tick or something. But it was definitely strange. I have even seen his eyes go darker a few times after doing it, like right now when he glanced at my face before quickly looking away.

  “I had to go get something from my car?” I told him. He eyes me suspiciously like he doesn’t believe me. I know I didn’t smell of vodka. I only had a couple of mouthfuls and there aren’t any cameras on the top level of the carpark, so he couldn’t have seen me either. The way he was as staring at me gave me goosebumps when suddenly his eyes darted down to my hip, the exact hip that I had injured. He abruptly stood up and walked away without so much as a glance back in my direction. Shaking my head, I walked into the kitchenette. I placed the kettle on, needing a caffeine hit.

  I made myself, Tobias, and Theo coffee before walking back out to the foyer. I placed my cup down on my desk before knocking lightly on Tobias’s door. No answer. Opening it slightly, he wasn’t in there. The curtains were closed, and the only light was coming from his computer screen. I quickly walked over and placed the cup on his desk. As I went to turn around though, I walked directly into him. I jumped in fright at his closeness, my hand going to my chest from the fright. Before realising it was him. “Sorry you startled me” He looked down at me. I felt tiny next to him, my face was level with his chest. I had to crane my neck to look up at him.


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