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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 132

  Evelyn’s POV

  “What did you do?” I ask wondering if he destroyed another city. Or hurt someone I knew the possibilities of what he could have done were endless and the suspense was worse than if he would just spit it out.

  “I am the reason you ended up in the foster care system” he says making me confused, how could he possibly be the reason I ended up in the foster care system. He didn’t abandon me there. Oh, that would be so gross and nasty if he turned out to be my father, well technically he is old enough to be my great grandfather, I think. I would have to remember to ask how old they are.

  “What do you mean, you’re not my father are you because that would be just plain nasty?” I ask. Thaddeus chuckles “definitely not a relation, but I am the reason you ended up in the church.”

  “How so?”

  “Well remember how my aunty said you smelt familiar?” I nod, remembering his aunty and father stating the same thing.

  “My aunt and father were following me and stumbled across you just outside of Parse, your parents were killed when I destroyed the town, they were living in. So, my father and aunty heard you crying and dug you out of the rubble. They didn’t know what to do with you, so they dropped you to the old nun convent” he says watching me carefully.

  I sit up trying to make sense of his words.

  “What were their names do you know?” Thaddeus nods his head running his hands up my thighs making me look down at him. I didn’t know how I felt, shocked if anything.

  “Yes, Michael and Sara Carter,” he tells me, so that means my parents were married. I nod.

  “Anything else about them?”

  “Just that by the autopsy reports your mother recently given birth and that they both had drug charges and petty crime charges on their records” Evelyn Carter I thought, hmm think I prefer my made-up last name Harper.

  “I like Harper better?” I tell him and he looks confused, and I can feel confusion through the bond.

  “You’re not mad?” I shake my head; how could I be mad at something he did before he met me? Not only that, if my parents were drug addicts and criminals, chances are, I would have ended up in foster care anyway.

  “No, chances are I still would have ended up in foster care anyway,” I tell him.

  “You’re not mad at all?” he asks again shocked by my reaction.

  “No, I’m a little shocked but I didn’t know them to miss them and besides, I have been on my own all my life. I have no family, never had one so bit hard to miss something I never had right?” I tell him.

  “We are your family, and you can share mine if you want them” Thaddeus chuckles pulling me back down on him. He kisses the top of my head.

  “Dinner is ready” Orion sings out from downstairs. I sit up again.

  “Good, I am starving” I tell Thaddeus before pecking his lips and hopping off him.

  Thaddeus and I walk downstairs and discover Orion and Ryland made Tacos. Sitting at the table, I help myself and Orion hands me a glass of coke. Biting into the Taco, my belly rumbling embarrassingly loud.

  “Good?” Ryland asks and I nod.

  “You need to remind us if you’re hungry Evelyn, we don’t eat as much Thaddeus and I. And Ryland hunts when he shifts so forgets to eat real food.” I nod enjoying my food. Thaddeus still watching me when I remember I wanted to ask how old they are.

  Taking a sip of my drink, I ask.

  “How old are you?” Orion chuckles.

  “I am surprised you haven’t asked already honestly; I wonder if it would weird you out” he says biting into his Taco. I shake my head not really caring but also curious.

  “I am 101, but I stopped aging at 30,” Thaddeus answers, which wasn’t as Old as I thought he was going to say. Looking to Ryland he answers.

  “172,” I snicker that was old considering he looked a little older than Thaddeus.

  “What age did you stop aging?”

  “35” he answers, and I nod. Looking to Orion he snickers shaking his head.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing I can’t remember exactly I only know the century.”

  “Century?” I squeak. Exactly how old was he if he can’t remember.

  “Time wasn’t as easy to mark back then. I was born in the fourteen hundred and changed when I was, I think 27.” I choke on my taco at his answer.

  “So, you’re like 700 years old?”

  “I think so, maybe a little less,” he says, and I take a sip of my coke trying wash down the taco that nearly choked me to death.

  “What was that like?” Orion chuckles.

  “Definitely different than now, no electricity. Everything by horse and carriage. Kings and queens” I nod trying to imagine what it would have been like back then to live.

  “Do our ages bother you?”

  “No but would have been handy to know you in school, I sucked at history and geography, you would have been handy back then. Walking talking history book” I laugh and Orion nods.

  “That’s one way to look at it” he states. I finish my Taco when Thaddeus passes me one of his.

  “Does food taste the same to you guys?”

  “Yes and no, some things taste the same but for me mostly everything tastes bland except blood” Orion answers.

  “Tastes the same to me but I was born not changed and same for Ryland, so I can’t really compare” Thaddeus answers.

  When we finish eating, we end up watching TV, When Ryland suddenly gets up.

  ‘Where are you going?’ I ask as he walks past the lounge I was laying on with Orion.

  “To go for a run?” he says bending over and kissing me. Hopping up, he raises an eyebrow at me.

  “What are you doing it’s a little chilly outside?”

  “I want to see you turn into a fluffy poodle” Ryland huffs.

  “I am no poodle” he states but holds his hand out for me and I grab it, Thaddeus and Orion following. We walk out back, and I sit on the step, when Ryland starts removing his clothes dumping them on my lap.

  “Does it hurt?” I ask as he stretches in just his briefs. He shakes his head.

  “Not anymore, used to but now I can shift fast it doesn’t hurt just a strange sensation.”

  “Do you have to worry about fleas?” I ask curious exactly how much like a dog, werewolves are. Orion laughs and snorts at my question.

  ‘What? I actually want to know,” I tell him.

  “No Evelyn I don’t get fleas,” he states dryly.

  “What about…”

  “Do you want to watch me shift or ask a million questions?” he says.


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