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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 14

  “Tobias is busy, he will be in a little later,” he told me. I just nodded and looked away. As soon as the door opened Theo walked out and straight to his office. Thank god I did my hair and make-up in the locker. That was the most awkward exchange we have ever had. It’s like he couldn’t get away from me fast enough. Going to my desk, I switched the computer on and turned the phones over, when I pumped my hip on the edge of the table. I hissed at the jolt of pain. I had been cleaning it regularly and changing the dressing. It was taking a long time to heal, and I was starting to worry it was getting infected. Checking Theo was still in his office, I walked over to the small bathroom. I hadn’t checked it since yesterday.

  Pulling my blouse up, I peeled back the bandage. The edge stuck and I could feel the fabric pulling at the edge of the wound. It started bleeding. Grabbing a tissue, I dabbed at it. It was definitely infected; the skin was red and angry the edges just wouldn’t close together, so the slightest bump made it reopen. Suddenly the door burst open. I dropped my shirt covering myself, but it was too late. Theo seen it in the mirror above the sink. His face contorted before he dropped his gaze. His jaw clenched and I could see the vein in his head near his temple pulse. I was positive I locked the door; how did he get in?

  Lifting my head up, I met his gaze. He looked like he was struggling to stay in control of his temper. Ignoring my stunned expression, he walked over and lifted the corner of my blouse. “How did you do that?” he asked looking up at me. I could have sworn he whispered barely audible for me to hear, “I knew I smelt blood.” I looked back wondering if I heard what I thought I did, but he was inspecting the slash across my hip. “I asked how you did it?” his voice stern.

  “On a piece of wire,” I told him.


  Ignoring him, I tried to pull my shirt back down. He just pushed my hand aside. “This is infected, come with me,” he said, grabbing my hand and tugging me towards his office. He made a phone call, talking so fast into the phone I didn’t catch a word of what he said. “Sit” He ordered. I sat down, not knowing what else to do. I didn’t want to get in any more trouble than I know I am already in. I will be grateful if they don’t fire me after learning I have been trespassing for months in the carpark.

  After about twenty minutes, a man walked in. He had a white doctor’s coat on and scrubs underneath. He carried a huge box that I’m assuming is a medical kit. Theo motioned towards me and I stood up before the doctor pushed me towards the lounge. “Lay down, Imogen” Theo told me. I looked at him the way he spoke was like he was furious with me.

  I quickly obeyed and the doctor silently lifted my shirt. He didn’t say a word to me. He pulled my shirt up and the side of my pants down exposing my hip. He prodded me, before getting to work. I winced when he cleaned it when he was done doing that. He pulled out a needle. I jumped up, but Theo forced me back. “Don’t make me hold you down,” he challenged. I relaxed my shoulders.

  “This may hurt like a sharp scratch,” the doctor told me. I nodded and focused on his face while he went to work stitching me up. The doctor was maybe thirty years old at most, not that old at all for a doctor. He had dark hair and brown eyes the same colour as mud. He tried to be gentle, but it didn’t stop the hurt and sting, my hands began to sweat, he stopped a few times when I would wriggle too much. One look from Theo though made me freeze.

  When he was done, he placed waterproof gauze over the top and stood up. Rummaging through his bag, he handed me a bottle of pills. “Take these three times a day, they will help clear up the infection.” I grabbed the small bottle and read it. Cephalexin, an antibiotic. I nodded and looked up to say thanks, but he was already gone.


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