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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 140

  Evelyn’s POV

  My body was killing I when I woke up, every muscle aching like I ran a marathon. Stretching, I roll and come nose to nose with Thaddeus. His eyes wide open staring back me and I couldn’t help the squeal of fright opening my eyes to his green ones so close. He says nothing just watching me sending a shiver up my spine with how hollow he looked, empty and emotionless. My heart pounding in my chest before palpitating. Fear something, I had grown used to, but it never got any more welcoming, you could never get used to the feeling, even though fear I regularly felt it, it never became familiar or comfortable, just there waiting to flood me when I least expected it.

  I felt a knot form in my stomach and wriggled away from him. “Do I scare you?” he asks his eyebrows furrowing. “Sometimes” I answer honestly. Well, most of the time he does but usually I can get rid of the fear or push it aside, look past it even. This felt different though. The fear felt different, it wasn’t what he could do to me, but rather what he could make me do to myself. That was a different level of fear knowing he had that sort of control, that level of power over me. It’s one thing influencing someone’s actions, another when they a vulnerable and unable to help themselves, like the puppet on the strings and right now I was his puppet, he got to choose what happened next. The ultimate control and knowing he had that sort of control over me, scared me. He could ask me to kill myself and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from doing it.

  “Am I scaring you now?” he asks rolling on his back.

  “Yes” I tell him. He seems to think, and I go to sit up and get off the bed when his hand grabs my wrist.

  “Lay back down” he answers, his voice leaving no room for argument and I do as I am told.

  “Why do I scare you?” he asks, letting go of my wrist. How could he ask that? How does he not see anything wrong with his actions?

  “Because I am your puppet, your little breakable toy you can do what you want with.”

  “You don’t trust the decisions I make for you?” he asks still looking up at the roof.

  “No, why would I. You made me wet myself,” I tell him, my cheeks burning just at the thought of it.

  “But did it work? Will you run again?” he asks.

  “You mean did you succeed in humiliating me, yes you succeeded. Nothing more degrading then be deprived of something so basic,” I tell him and his head snaps to the side looking at me.

  “But will you run?” he asks again this time putting his demand behind it, but I don’t even fight against it.

  “First chance I fucking get,” I spit at him.

  Thaddeus growls before jumping on me, pinning me beneath him. I try to kick him off, but he just presses between my legs, his face barely an inch off mine.

  “You will never leave my side, Evelyn, and even if you somehow managed it, you would come back. The mate bond would see to that,” he tells me. I shake my head, his hands gripping my wrists tighter pushing them into the mattress.

  “I hate you,” I tell him, and he smiles sadistically. I could feel the darkness within him, consuming him.

  “And I love you,” he says, his eyes glowing hypnotically back at me.


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