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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 212

  Thaddeus POV

  "What was that upstairs?" I ask Orion when he finally steps into the room.

  "Don't you start, I don't care what any of you say. She isn't the only one that gets a say in whether or not she keeps our child" Orion snaps at me turning to walk back out. I was livid that he was basically threatening her over thinking of aborting our baby.

  "It's not what you said Orion it how you went about it, I could feel you asshole so could she"

  "And she is keeping it, isn't she? No issue Thaddeus so drop it" he retorts. I hear him mutter under his breath as walks into the kitchen.

  "Don't walk away from me when I am talking to you" I tell him getting off the lounge and following after him.

  "I only said what you and Ryland were thinking Thaddeus, you wanted her to keep it, she is. Problem solved" he says, grabbing Mara's cup and plate, and dumping it in the sink.

  "No problem not solved, I want her to want this baby not feel forced into keeping it out of fear of losing us" I growl at him.

  "And that is exactly what will happen if she jeopardizes that pregnancy. I will walk, Thaddeus" he says.

  "You would walk out on your family, leave Mara behind?"

  "Don't be ridiculous, I would take her we all know who raises her, Thaddeus" Orion spits at me and I growl at him.

  "Careful what you say Orion"

  "Or what Thaddeus, you don't scare me" he says, shoving me, his hands hitting the centre of my chest. I growl in warning to him.

  "Come on, you're the dark king right. The one everyone fears, well I have news for you Thaddeus I fucking don't fear you" he says shoving me back again. I clench my fists, the darkness rearing its ugly head trying to envelope me.

  "Stop Orion" I warn him through gritted teeth.

  "Or what? You will kill me, don't act like you would have respected her decision if she chose otherwise Thaddeus. I know you better than her, know what you would do to her if she harmed this pregnancy, I just did you a favour from having to do it" he tells me.

  "I wouldn't have done it like that, she was afraid of you, you Orion the one she fears the least and now she is scared of all of us. What is wrong with you, you used to always be on her side and now you can barely look at her"

  "She wants to kill our baby, am I supposed to be alright with that?" He yells at me.

  "that's not what I am saying, but you didn't stop to think once how she feels, just forced her to agree"

  "She doesn't have to mother it, she just has to carry it, let's not pretend she is actually a mother, she hasn't been for months" Orion yells at me, his eyes turning red. I snap, my fist connecting with his face at his words. His head whips to the side and he chuckles wiping his split lip.

chapter 212 1


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