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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 23

  Waking up the next morning, I was alone in my bed, my hands no longer tied. I looked around confused. Did I imagine the whole thing? Moving, my muscles felt sore, like I had just ran a marathon. Standing up on my shaky legs, I stumbled my way to the bathroom and quickly peed. Standing up and flushing the toilet, I made my way to the shower. Hopping in, I flinched at the hot water stinging my skin. Turning the temperature down, I washed quickly, suddenly feeling my tense muscles start to relax under the soothing water. When I ran my loofa over my neck, it stung, and I ripped my hand back. Getting out of the shower, I walked over to the fogged-up mirror above the sink basin. Using my hand, I wiped it across the mirror.

  I gasped at my reflection in the mirror. I had a huge bite mark on my neck. It wasn’t bleeding but was red and angry with bruising around the edges. I poked it then tried to rub it off but all it did was sting and stand out more. “Argh I’m going to fucking kill him,” I screamed.

  Angry, I stormed off and looked for some clothes. Thank god today was Friday. Hopefully it would disappear by Monday and no one notices it today. Grabbing my makeup bag, I walked back into the bathroom and started applying my make up trying to conceal the bite mark Tobias left. So at least I know I didn’t imagine it, the bite mark proof that he was indeed here. Shit what if Theo finds out? Will he be pissed off that I got hot and heavy with Tobias? Straightening my hair to cover the mark that was impossible to cover, I wore my hair down. Finding my clothes, I put on a high waisted black skirt and a white blouse, tucking my blouse into my skirt before grabbing my perfume and quickly spraying my wrists and the side of my neck that wasn’t a bloody mess. Walking into the kitchen, I slipped my heels on and grabbed my handbag. Walking towards the door, I heard them knocking. “I’m coming jeez.”

  Opening the door Theo stood leaning casually on the door frame. “Good morning, Imogen. Damn Tobias got you a good one,” he said staring at my neck.

  I brushed my hair over my shoulder trying to cover it. “You know already? Where is Tobias, I would love to give him a piece of my mind right now.”

  Theo chuckled at my anger. “Of course, I know. Tobias and I don’t have secrets.” I huffed annoyed that he thought there was nothing wrong with any of this. I knew it was wrong, they are my bosses there is nothing right about any of this. “Calm down, you’re always so angry. What did you think? I was gonna fight for you for my man,” he said, jumping up down shadow boxing. I laughed. This is why I liked Theo. Yet I also knew he had a darker side, I had only seen it a few times, but I was quickly removed by Tobias sending me home, or in my case back then to my car. I had only seen him angry twice in the time I have worked for them. Once when we were in a meeting, everyone seemed to scatter, and I was sent home. The second time when him and Tobias had a huge argument, I can’t remember what it was about though, each time actually I couldn’t remember what it was that set him off. Theo stopped jumping and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me towards the foyer.

  Tobias wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Theo and I drove to work in a comfortable silence while I scanned my newsfeed on Facebook. When we arrived, Theo opened my door and escorted me inside. I saw Tom in the foyer. He waved then put his hand down when he saw Theo walking beside me, before going back to mopping the already cleaned floor. I thought it was strange that Tom seemed to act strange around both of them. I would have to remember to ask him about it.

  Getting in the elevator, we got upstairs but Tobias was still nowhere to be seen. It was very unlike Tobias to not show up at work. I opened his office door and peered inside, but the lights were off and the room was dark.

  “Looking for me?” His voice said behind me, making me jump. My heart skipping a beat. I turned around, he was staring down at me before he stepped into his office and flicked the light on. I waited by the door, my anger coming back at seeing his smug face. He knew I was pissed. Theo must have warned him I was on a warpath and wanted blood, his in particular. He sat on the edge of his desk and motioned for me to step in.

  “Let’s have it then, I’m ready,” he said rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. Theo stepped in behind me.

  “Should I get popcorn? What was it she said this morning?”

  Theo pretended to think, and I rolled my eyes “Oh that’s right, she would like to give you a piece of her mind, and to think, all this over a little love bite,” Theo mocked.

  “Love bite? Does this look like a love bite to you?” I said pulling my hair off my shoulder. Theo looked and his face split into a grin as he choked on his own laugh.

  “Why would you do that? You better hope it doesn’t scar.” Theo laughed again making me glare at him.

  “What the fuck is so funny, Theo? I don’t see you walking around with your neck looking like it has been bitten by an animal.” Tobias didn’t say anything, but I could tell he thought it was just as funny as Theo. Was, I missing something? Theo stood up and pulled his shirt from his neck and showed me. I looked at him wondering what he was doing, then I noticed it, and it was an identical bite mark. Only it wasn’t red and angry like mine, and I could tell it was a few years old. I stared at it, then glanced at Theo to Tobias.

  “So, you just go around biting people? Branding them like cattle? And you let him?” Theo just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. I went to say something else, yell like a banshee, but Tobias finally spoke.

  “Well, you didn’t seem to mind?” My face flushed, embarrassed looking towards Theo. He seemed to stop his mocking, watching our exchange with eager eyes.


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