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Sinful Mates 1-3 novel Chapter 36

  Looking at the time, it was nearly time to finish up. I was exhausted and for once actually excited to go home to my prison. I needed sleep. I was mentally and physically exhausted, and my brain felt like mush from constantly looking at screens all day. When it was nearly time to knock off, I switched everything off and decided to go down to the foyer and see if I could find Tom.

  I grabbed my bag and headed for the elevator. Once on the foyer floor, I walked over to the counter at the front. Merida, the lady that brought us dinner the night we stayed back late, was at the counter on the phone arguing with someone who wanted to organise a meeting. After a few minutes of me waiting she become annoyed and slammed the phone down hanging up on the person. She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and let out a breath.

  “Hi Imogen,” she said. Her voice sounded tired.

  “What happened to the other lady that was working here? I thought you worked on the tech floor?”

  “I normally do, but the bitch quit and now I am stuck here till they find a replacement” She sighed clearly annoyed and tired.

  “So, what brings you down here Imogen? Where are Tobias and Theo?” She glances around nervously looking for them.

  “Why does everyone do that? Look around nervously at the mention of them?” I ask her curious, was I the only one not terrified by them.

  “You for real, the vibes they give off” She shakes her head. “I don’t know how you work all day up there with them. I do not envy you, having to work under them. I still remember last time when Theo went postal and nearly strangled Max for interrupting him during a meeting, poor bloke quit, and I transferred to the tech floor. I was originally one of their secretaries, I couldn’t handle the hours or tension of working up there. They are way too intense. I don’t know how you do it, girl.”


  “Oh, he was here just before you started here, apparently he works for a rival company now, they used to be friends but after that not so much.”

  Jealousy coursed through me knowing she worked for them, although I could tell she feared them I couldn’t help but wonder, if they were attracted to her and treated her like they did me. I shook the thought away wondering where my sudden jealousy surged from. I didn’t want to think of them with another woman, though she didn’t seem like she was involved with them sexually.

  “So, what brought you down here. I know it wasn’t for a friendly chat” she asked looking up at me from her seated position. I completely forgot my original intentions of coming down here.

  “I was actually looking for Tom, have you seen him?”

  “He is probably in the back office” Back office I thought he was a cleaner. Do they have offices now?

  “The cleaner’s office?”

  “Huh what are talking about? Tom works in publicity, little OCD if you ask me, I sometimes see him cleaning up around here, caught him mopping the floors the other day. I actually thought he was demoted” She chuckled. Now that was weird Tom told me he was a janitor. What the hell was going on around here?

  “Just follow that corridor down and you should see his office on the left” She told me pointing to the corridor next to the stairs. I turned and started walking towards it when I was stopped.

  “Imogen wait up.” Oh for god’s sake, I groaned. I liked Mark but was really hoping I didn’t run into him today, I really needed to speak to Tom. I stopped and turned around to face him. I watched Mark jog over to me from wherever he just come from. I like Mark but sometimes he could be a flirt, although I knew he was harmless and just overly friendly. I didn’t want Theo and Tobias getting mad if they see me speaking to him after this morning’s incident.

  Mark stopped in front me, his brown eyes lit up and he smiled before running a hand through is black hair. He was a good-looking bloke with his strong build, but I didn’t find him attractive like Theo or Tobias. He embraced me in a hug, and I stepped back looking around nervously.

  “I haven’t seen you at the hospital in a while. How is your mum?” he asked. I swallowed. No one other than a handful of people knew my mother was even in hospital and I hadn’t really spoken to Mark or seen him to let him know what happened.

  “Um the hospital pulled the plug; she passed away” I looked away trying not to show how much her death has hurt me.

  “Oh, Imogen I’m sorry to hear that, if you need someone to talk to you have my number,” he said grabbing my hand. I pulled my hand away before speaking.

  “And your sister how is she doing?” I asked changing the topic from my life.

  “She is doing better, still a long way to go but they have started her on a trial drug now, hoping the results come back good.”

  “That’s great Mark, well I have to go see someone” I said turning away when his hand grabbed my elbow gently. I stopped and turned back to him.


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