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Sir, You Don’t Know Your Wife novel Chapter 24

Sir, You Don’t Know Your Wife Chapter 24

Once again, the audience went into an uproar when they saw Janet remain onstage. The music played and she started moving gracefully, her dress accentuating her slender waist and swaying along with her movements.

She successfully made every single movement of hers look perfect and elegant while she glided on the stage nimbly. At the same time, she would move her eyes gracefully, looking mischievous at one moment and elegant the next, perfectly complementing her dance moves.

Everyone was transfixed by her performance, their eyes brimming with admiration. The judges and the audience were stuck in a trance even after her performance ended. By the time everyone recovered, Janet had already retreated backstage.

“Please play ‘Sorrow’ again with the lute!”

“Please dance again!”

“My idol, please come out to the stage now!”

The audience were crazy about her but the young girl who had successfully charmed them within five minutes never reappeared on stage despite their keen requests.

Meanwhile, Mason was watching Janet’s breathtaking performance on his computer at the Lowry Residence. As it turned out, Janet had left hurriedly just now because she needed to attend her school anniversary celebration. At that exact moment, someone knocked on the door of the study.

“Come in.”

Sean cautiously walked in and placed a file on Mason’s desk. He inadvertently glanced at Mason’s computer and was immediately enamored by Janet’s performance. Taking a closer look at Janet’s face, Sean asked in astonishment, “Isn’t she that superb doctor?”

Mason took a sip of wine, his movements exuding a noble and distinguished aura as he responded, “Yes.”


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