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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 398


Chapter 398 You Were Lying to Me

Ms. Forbes?After answering the phone, Lane asked, Can I help you?” 

Imogen said, I’m here for Troy. Please come down and pick me up.” 

OhMs. Forbes, Mr. Marshall isn’t in the company right now. How aboutyou come back another day?” 

Imogen was surprised

The receptionist clearly said that Troy was in the company

Imogen said, I’ve been busy these days and don’t have time to come again. I bring something for him. Please come down and hand it over to him.” 

Okay, please wait a moment.” 

After about five minutes, Lane came out of the elevator, looked around, and walked towards Imogen. Ms. Forbes, what do you have for Mr. Marshall?” 

This.Imogen pointed to her chest



Lane was speechless

Take me up. If he’s not here, I’ll wait for him.” 

ButMr. Marshall won’t return to the company today.” 

Where is he going if he won’t come back to the company?” 

II don’t know, either.” 

Imogen said angrily, Cut the crap and take me up.” 

Lane hesitated and stammered. There must be something wrong


Without saying anything, Imogen took the employee card from Lane, walked to the elevator and swiped it. She strode in and pressed the button to open the elevator

Hey, Ms. Forbes, wait for me!” 

Lane hurriedly chased after her

Unfortunately, he was late. The elevator had closed and started to rise. He pressed the button, and the next elevator came down

He was so angry and stamped his feet

The elevator door opened. Imogen strode out of the elevator. Under the gaze of the secretaries, she headed directly towards the chairman’s office

The door to the chairman’s office was unlocked, so obviously someone was inside

Imogen opened the door directly and went in. When she saw the scene in front of her, she froze on the spot

In addition to Troy, there was a woman in the office, who was sitting on Troy’s chair, holding a mouse and looking at the computer screen

Troy bent down and stood behind the woman, putting one hand on the woman’s shoulder and holding the woman’s hand on the mouse with the other. He lowered his head and spoke to the 


Chapter 198 You Were Lying to Me

woman, as if they were discussing something on the screen together, with an intimate posture. Not to know what Troy said, the two looked at each other and laughed. The woman raised her head and kissed Troy on the side of his face

When Imogen saw this scene, her mind went blank. She was stunned for a few seconds

If it weren’t for the fact that the man in front of her was Troy, she would have even suspected that she was in the wrong place

During this time, she could feel Troy’s love for her

But what was going on now

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two people behind the desk raised their heads and looked at Imogen

When Imogen saw the woman’s face, she was shocked, her whole body trembled, and her heart ached

It was Sarah

She was so shocked that she felt no pain in her heart, only surprise, confusion, anger, and 


Imogen looked into Troy’s eyes, unexpectedly calm. Why is she here?” 

Didn’t he dislike Sarah

Didn’t he insist that he was deceived by Sarah, who was the mastermind behind her father’s murder

Why was he with Sarah now

Seeing Imogen, Troy showed no sign of guilt on his face and stood up straight indifferently. Why are you here?” 

Imogen took a step forward, stared directly at Troy, and said word by word, I ask you, why is she here?” 

Sarah, who was in the chair, slid back, stood up, and smiled at Imogen with a proud expression on her face. Can’t you understand now? Imogen” 

Did I talk to you?Imogen glanced at her


Sarah, go to the garage and wait for me. I’ll tell her clearly and then I’ll come to you.Troy glanced at Imogen, then winked at Sarah. Buy the necklace you picked just now.” 

Sarah was a little reluctant, but still agreed. When she passed by Troy, she hooked his finger and said, You know the score. Hurry up.” 


Troy personally walked Sarah to the door

Their intimacy was obvious and natural

Looking at the scene in front of her, Imogen pressed her lips tightly, and clenched her hands in her sleeves. Her nails deeply pierced into the flesh of the palm, leaving several crescentshaped marks

Only in this way could she ensure that she wouldn’t lose her composure and expose her bleeding heart to others

Chapter 398 You Were Lying to Me

Passing by Imogen, Sarah didn’t look sideways and only let out a snort, like a victor in a war

Troy watched Sarah’s figure vanish around the corner. He closed the door, turned around, and glanced at Imogen. Since you have seen it all, I won’t play nice with you. What do you want to ask?” 

Imogen raised her eyes and looked into Troy’s eyes. Play nice?” 

She watched him for a long time

His eyes were still so cold, as if the previous intimacy and love were all illusions

Yes.Troy put on a sarcastic smile. What? Do you think that I really like you?” 

Imogen’s face turned pale instantly. What do you mean by this?” 

Without others, she couldn’t restrain herself, her eyes turned red, and she tried to steady her trembling voice


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