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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 394


Chapter 394 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes 

After the interrogation, Blake confessed that the person who instigated him was a lesser gangster and then knew the real behindthescenes mastermind Ivette from the gangster

When the matter was investigated clearly, Ivette and Irene were still in New York City, while Walter had returned to the Jubilian City

He couldn’t stay in New York City for long, so he asked the two of them to stay and find an opportunity to apologize to Imogen and get closer to her

Police found out the hotel where Ivette lived, stalked her, and confirmed that she was in the hotel, so they went directly to arrest her

The case was kept airtight, and Imogen didn’t go out. Ivette had long thought that her plan was successful, so she immersed herself in fun and such in New York City. She went back to the hotel to rest after feeling tired


When she heard someone knocking on the door outside, she stepped forward to the door without thinking. What she met was two seriouslooking police officers in uniforms, with hotel staff standing behind them

At that moment, Ivette was dead scared and she closed the door subconsciously

How could the police give her this chance

They broke in directly, one police officer held Ivette down, and the other put handcuffs on her 


Ms. Rover, right? We are the police. After investigation, you are suspected of a human trafficking case. Now we need to take you back to investigate.” 

NoI don’t know what you are talking about! It has nothing to do with me. Uncuff me right now. Otherwise, I will never let you go!Ivette looked tough and deliberately raised her voice

It is useless for you to say whether it is relevant or not.” The two police officers escorted her out directly

Do you know who my uncle is?! If you dare to arrest me, he will make you miserable!” 

The younger police officer said directly, It is useless even if your father is Stewart.” 

Stewart was the name of Chad’s uncle

Since it was involved in many cases of human trafficking, the top attached great importance to it and even sent a supervision team, so it was of no use whether the suspect was a highranking official

Ivette’s heart was filled with despair

What happened

She obviously did it flawlessly, but why could the police still find her?! 

Passing by the door of the next door, she struggled and shouted, Irene, save me! Irene!” 

Irene came out of the room after hearing Ivette’s sound. Seeing Ivette’s handcuffed hands being held by the police, she said rudely, What’s going on?” 

Are you Ivette’s aunt? Ivette is currently suspected of a human trafficking case. We are taking her back to investigate. Please do not interfere with official duties.” 

Irene was stunned and glanced at Ivette in surprise

Ivette felt guilty and cried, Irene, I don’t know what they are talking about. Human trafficking has 

Chapter 194 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes 

nothing to do with me. Please save me” 

Getting along with Ivette for so many years, Irene knew her very well

She could tell at a glance that Ivette was lying

But now was not the time to talk about that

Irene stood in front and said, Ivette has always been sensible. How could she do this? I need to see your police ID and arrest warrant!” 

The young police officer took out his ID and arrest warrant. Please get out of the way” 

Irene snatched them and tore them up. Your police ID is forged, and so is the arrest warrant. Do you think I don’t know what a police ID looks like? I don’t know what your purpose is in pretending to be a police officer. If you are sensible, let Ivette go. Otherwise, I will call the police!” 

Many tourists staying around stopped to watch them, not knowing the truth


young police officer did not expect Irene to be so overbearing. He looked at his senior, picked up his police ID, and said sternly, Madam, I’m warning you, if you dare to stop us from carrying out our official duties again, you will be provoking trouble! Do you think you are great because you have some background? Even if the president comes today, I will take her away!” 

After saying that, no matter what Irene said, the two of them ignored her, knocked her aside, and took Ivette away

Irene immediately caught up and grabbed the young police officer to prevent them from leaving, shouting, Look, there is a group of loan sharks who are pretending to be police and want to take my niece away in broad daylight. Is there any justice?!” 

Her father is the one who owes money. It has nothing to do with her. Whoever owes you money is the one you go to! Don’t take my niece away!” 

Ivette’s crying and howling filled the hotel hall, attracting many people to watch

Irene was wearing a women’s suit jacket, a suit skirt, and a cape on her shoulders. Her hair was meticulously tied, and she was exquisitely dressed, giving off the temperament of a lady, and she looked like a decent person at first glance

A decent person who made trouble on the spot could easily gain trust of the public

Many people were led astray by Irene and pointed at the two police officers

The young police officer shook Irene off impatiently. Go away, I’m warning you again. Don’t think I dare not arrest you!” 

A man couldn’t stand it anymore, stepping forward and saying, You are nothing but a gang! You are too much. Whoever owes you money is the one you go after! Why are you arresting a little girl? What’s worse, you pretend to be the police and scare the girl. I have called the police!” 

You were misled by her. We are the police and we arrest her because she is a criminal suspect.” 

Then what crime did she commit?” 

Human trafficking.” 

Human trafficking?The man seemed to have heard something funny. I think you want to kidnap her, huh?” 

The police were speechless

Irene knew that Ivette had probably committed a crime. Once Ivette was taken away by the police and the charges were proven, she would be over. 

Chapter 394 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes 


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