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Snare of Love novel Chapter 180

“I’m sleepy.” Simona’s hands grabbed Matthew’s collar tightly. She wanted to sleep but couldn’t because of the unknown place.

Her body kept rubbing in his arms.

Matthew held his daughter more tightly, stroking her back with his big palms. He coaxed her extremely patiently, “Good girl. Let me hold you to sleep.”

Simona pressed her little face on his chest, feeling that Daddy’s embrace was truly warm. She could feel how strong her father was under the clothes as well as his temperature, “Daddy, will you dump Mommy and us again in the future? I don’t want to part from you. I want you to live with Mommy, Samuel, and me together, just like other kids’ families. They have father, mother, and grandparents...”

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became. In the end, he could hardly hear her.

Matthew lowered his head. The little girl had hidden her face in his arms completely. The corner of her eyes that exposed was with tears.

“When I saw other kids in their fathers’ arms or be pushed on the swing, I envied them so much...”

Since she was born, there were only Mommy, Samuel, and Grandpa in her world. There was no father figure in her life.

After meeting Matthew, she liked him and was clingy to him because she was afraid that he would dump her again.

Then she would become a girl without her father again.

Matthew sat back a bit and held her little face with his hands. Probably it lacked air in his embrace, or probably it was because of the grievance that she had experienced, her eyes were reddened. Tears were hanging on her long eyelashes. He bent over the kiss away the tears from his daughter’s eyes and said hoarsely, “No. I’ll never leave you again in the future.”

His lips were warm and soft. The little girl closed her eyes by instinct. Her father’s breath was so close to her. He was holding her and kissing her, and she felt extremely happy.

It was quite easy for her to get satisfied. Just one kiss had melted her heart.

However, she didn’t know that her words also brought uneasiness to the man.

At that time, Dolores was pregnant. He knew that it was him who pushed her away so that they had parted from each other for so many years.

He wondered what he could do to make it up for the mother and the kids.

“Boy, why don’t you move back?” The caravan was quite big. A sofa was placed behind the driver’s seat. Boyce was studying the routes while half lying down. Samuel was sitting next to him, lying prone on the window, and looked out. Upon hearing Boyce’s voice, he didn’t look back, “I’m not sleepy. I don’t want.”

Simona had been clingy to Matthew. He didn’t want to look at the scene, which would make him uncomfortable.

If Matthew truly loved them, why would he have dumped Mommy in the past?

He wondered why Matthew suddenly looked so regretful.

“Uncle Boyce, what kind of man is he?” Samuel had conflicted feelings towards Matthew. He wanted to get close to Matthew, but he couldn’t let go of the fact that Matthew had dumped Dolores before.

Boyce was a bit taken aback. He sat up, “Whom do you refer to?”

Samuel pointed behind his back. Boyce understood whom he was asking about. He hooked Samuel’s neck and pulled the boy into his arms, “Boy, that’s your father. Why do you call him ‘he’?”

“Why should I call someone who has dumped me ‘father’?” Samuel raised his head, looking quite proud. In fact, he envied Simona a lot as she could call him “Daddy” so easily.

However, he found it quite difficult.

He was still angry that Matthew had abandoned them before. Matthew hadn’t abandoned Simona and him but also had dumped his mother, which he wouldn’t forgive so easily, although Matthew seemed quite good now.

Boyce looked at the little boy and could tell that he had a knot in his heart towards Matthew.

He rubbed the boy’s hair and said, “Your father shouldn’t have known that your mommy was pregnant at that time. Upon his character, even he didn’t like her, for responsibility, he wouldn’t have divorced.”

What Samuel cared about was not if Matthew would take the responsibilities. Instead, it mattered more that Matthew didn’t like his mother. He wondered if Matthew had married Mommy even he didn’t like her.

If he didn’t like her, why would he have married her?

Was there something wrong with him?

“In that case, didn’t he drag my mommy into an unhappy marriage?” Samuel asked with a frown.

If it were for him, Mommy could have found someone who loved her, couldn’t she?

Boyce rubbed his little nose, “Boy, what are you thinking about? Don’t worry about the adults’ matters. You’ll get aged before your time.”

Samuel curled his lips, “Uncle Boyce, you’ll be the one who gets aged first.” He counted with his fingers, “After twenty years, you will be an old man. At that time, I’ll still be a young man.”


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