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Snare of Love novel Chapter 189

His gaze casually fell downstairs. Matthew could only see the heads of the crowd. Frowning, he withdrew his gaze.

“Hi there, Mr. Nelson!”

Matthew looked back, seeing that the mayor was walking to him. The mayor smiled and said, “I thought I’ve seen an illusion. It’s really you, Mr. Nelson. Are you also here for the annual party of the White Group?”

He was quite uncertain because he hadn’t heard there was any cooperation between WY Group and the White Group.

Charles was young and outstanding, and Matthew was the best of the young generation.

Matthew told his daughter to wait for a moment and hung up the phone.

He put it away.

“No, I’m not.”

When he answered, the gentle look on his face disappeared immediately. He put on his socializing mask as usual.

The mayor reached out to him. “It’s a big pleasure to meet you here.”

Matthew reached out his right hand and shook hands with the mayor. It didn’t take long. They withdrew their hands quickly.

Matthew didn’t want to waste any time here with him. However, he must consider the mayor’s dignity. Since ancient times, citizens should not fight against government officials.

Particularly, Matthew was a merchant.

“Mr. Nelson, Mr. White wants to set up a factory in my place. We need to talk in detail.” Charles still had something to deal with now, so the mayor came upstairs to wait for him.

He planned to talk to Charles while having dinner.

“Why don’t we have dinner together so you’ll know each other?” The mayor wanted to introduce them to each other. However, he thought of something and smiled awkwardly. “Have you two known each other already?”

Based on Matthew’s identity, he wouldn’t have shown up here unless he had the cooperation with the White Group.

“I don’t know him,” Matthew answered neatly and straightforwardly.

“Look. That’s Mr. Charles White, the owner of the White Group over there. Although he can’t walk, he’s quite capable. I like him a lot. Of course, the White Group couldn’t be comparable to WY Group. Mr. Nelson, I heard that you’ve invested in a lot of projects overseas and set up investment banks with your partners. You rock!”

Matthew wasn’t interested in Charles at all. However, the mayor said that Charles couldn’t walk, which made Matthew curious. A lead in a wheelchair must be quite outstanding in some way.

Otherwise, his subordinates wouldn’t have obeyed him.

He looked towards the downstairs.

A few executive managers were surrounding Charles and Dolores and teasing them.

Charles had never had a girlfriend. Suddenly, he brought a beautiful woman to all of the employees, so everyone was quite curious about what relationship was between them.

“Mr. White, you’ve been hiding so well! You even didn’t tell us, who experienced life and death with you. You didn’t do this thing properly.”


“You can’t deny. If you don’t have anything to do with each other, why would you have brought her here?” someone directly interrupted Charles when he tried to explain.

Charles smiled, “I wished that I could, but...”

“But what?” those managers asked in a union. In an instant, they all understood what he hadn’t finished. Then he looked over at Dolores in a union. “Don’t you like our Mr. White?”

Right at this moment, Dolores felt that she had been framed by Charles. There were so many traps in this party.

She was about to explain, but Charles pulled her arm to get close to him and whispered in her ear, “Please don’t embarrass me in front of my employees. If you want to reject me, you can do it after we go home. Please! I’m begging you.”

When Matthew looked over, he happened to see Charles whispering to a woman. Because of the angle that he was standing on the stairs, he didn’t see Dolores’s face but only her slender figure.

“I’ve agreed to be your date tonight but I haven’t agreed that I will pretend to be your girlfriend.” Dolores was quite determined.

Charles wasn’t angry at all. He could tell that Dolores was quite smart with strong self-consciousness. “Do you still want to know the master who knows how to make the water gauze?”

Dolores was speechless.

It wasn’t until now did Dolores understand why he had shown her the water gauze. “You did it on purpose!” she said quite affirmatively without asking.

Charles didn’t deny, smiling quite brightly. He looked charming in this way. Approaching Dolores again, he said, “I’m quite curious what kind of man can control you.” Dolores pushed him away, standing upright.

When she turned around, Matthew saw her face clearly on the second floor.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

The mayor didn’t sense anything wrong. Looking down at what was going on in the lobby, he said with a smile, “Mr. White is quite funny - he has never had a girlfriend before, but suddenly he brought a date with him tonight. The woman is quite good-looking.”


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