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Snare of Love novel Chapter 218

Victoria immediately turned pale, she tightly grabbed her phone, unable to say anything for a long time.

Nathan on the other side waited anxiously, he quickly said, “Victoria, let's meet up and talk face to face about our misunderstandings.”

Victoria sighed as she looked at the worried Nathan who was very stubborn, Mrs. White came several times but she couldn't get him back either, he stayed 6-7 days without eating nor drinking at the gate of Forbis house, he then fainted, only then Mrs. White brought him back.

But who would've thought that once he regained consciousness, he waited by the gate of Forbis house again and said that if he couldn't see Victoria, he wouldn't leave the gate of Forbis house even if he died.

Victoria had no other way, she could only bring him to meet Victoria in City B.

“Let me try.” Victoria snatched the phone again and put it by her ears, “Hey, Victoria, it's me, Nathan is messing around here, there's no other way, I could only bring him here, meet and explain the matter to him clearly… After all you both have feelings for so long, you should part smoothly without any hard feelings.”

Victoria closed her eyes, when she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jayden, “I have something to do, I want to go out...”

Victoria totally agreed in her heart to something that Victoria said, they had relationship for so long, she had to say it herself if it were to be ended.

She broke the relationship herself.

Jayden didn't know what happened but he could see that Victoria was not in a very good mood, she was a pregnant woman, he didn't want to give her pressure too.

“You're inconvenient now, where are you going? I'll send you there.”

Victoria hesitated, she wanted to refuse Jayden , “I...”

“If you don't let me send you, I won't agree to let you get off the bed, the doctor said you should rest with your current state.”

Victoria just had to nod in agreement, she asked where Victoria was now so she could go over there.

Victoria told her the address, then Victoria just hung up, she grabbed the phone while looking at Jayden in embarrassment, “Can you go out for a moment first?”

Jayden slightly frowned, “Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Victoria immediately shook her head, “No, nothing, it’s just that... It’s just that ...”

“It's just that... What?” Jayden frowned even worse.

Victoria lowered her head, she couldn't say that she wanted to go to the toilet, right?

That's the difference between man and woman.

Even if they were intimate before, but they had no feelings and not familiar, she couldn't say it out.

Looking at her red face, Jayden seemed to realize that she wasn't convenient, he was a man after all, he stood up and said, “I'll go out first.”

Actually, he didn't leave but called the nurse instead, Victoria wasn't convenient at that time, he couldn't feel at ease if she's alone.

When the nurse came in, Victoria was stunned for a moment, “I don't feel any discomfort.”

She thought that the nurse came for an inspection.

The nurse came over and helped her, “Mr. Nelson sent me here, he's worried that there's any inconvenience for you to stay alone in the room.”

Victoria looked at the nurse and blinked like she's surprised that Jayden would do that, she felt quite bitter at the bottom of her heart.

He's paying attention to her because she's pregnant with his child?

The nurse helped her to the toilet, then she closed the door and waited by the door.

After a while, the nurse heard some movements and knocked the door, asking whether she's done or not.

Victoria said that she's done, thus the nurse pushed open the door and entered.

The nurse was going to help her up the bed, Victoria waved her hand, she told the nurse to take her jacket instead.


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