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Snare of Love novel Chapter 229

“How can I not wish to tell the truth?”

He was my biological son?

There were tremendous regrets and sadness.

She wished he could call her mother.

When he was born, Jayden was registered as his father, and Jolene was registered as his mother. Everyone knew that he was the only inheritor of the Nelson family, the only grandchild of the Harris family.

What identity she should use to say that Matthew was her biological son?

Jolene and Jayden were legal couple. What about her?

What about his son?

Illegitimate child?

No, she could not do this.

She was not willing to let Matthew bear that.

Matthew needed to inherit the Nelson family’s wealth. If he had this identity, how would other people treat him?

“Furthermore, the Nelson family and the Harris family could not become enemy. If so, they would fight like Kilkenny cats.” she looked at Dolores and said, “Do you know how I get married to Jayden?”

She agreed to Jeffery’s terms then only she can get married.

“I know because of Jolene, Jeffery hated me so much. I feel like it is because of me, Jolene and Jayden cannot be together and Jolene passed away at a young age. Jolene’s death was a great blow to him. He knows I care so much about the Forbis family and that’s why he threatened me.”

Jeffery threatened Victoria by saying that if she wanted to get married to Jayden, he would make Gambiered Canton Gauze disappear in this world forever.

Dolores understood why the gauze was so little now.

“The Harris family used to have a lot of power until now. If you know how to deal with them, everything will be fine but if you got caught, I am worried that…” her hands were trembling out of her control. The incident that she experienced years before was like just happened yesterday. She was still scared. Those years had left an indelible imprint in her mind. She knew what Jeffery would do. She did not wish Dolores to be harmed by Jeffery. Nonetheless to let her go into danger.

“We are still in time to learn now. If you cannot master it, it’s okay but you must remember that you cannot reveal this in front of other people.”

Dolores bent her body and put her head on Victoria’s leg. She held her hands, “You must believe Matthew and me. Even though there might be a danger, we can get over it. In order to stay with Matthew, you exchange the Forbis’ business with Jeffery. Matthew knew nothing about this. However, you and I knew it. We could fight together with you to keep the Forbis’ business. We must let the gauze live forever and never be forgotten.”

“Silly kid.” Victoria ruffled Dolores’ hair, “Staying alive up until now, I just hope that you, Matthew, and the two kids stay fine.”

She did not want to care about other stuff now. Nothing was more important than her family’s safety and health.

Dolores did not voice a single word anymore. However, she decided that she would not let the Forbis’ business disappear just like that. Now she could understand why Victoria did that. It was because she did not want the business to disappear.

“It is very late now, do you want to rest with me?” Victoria asked softly.

Dolores nodded to express her agreement.

She took off her jacket and shoes. Then, she slept with Victoria.

Victoria put a blanket on Dolores’ body. Dolores looked at her, “When I saw you at the first sight, I know you are different.”

Victoria was different from the other concubine that she encountered before. Indeed, different.

Victoria touched Dolores’ forehead and put her fore hair behind her ears, “I wish to have a daughter.”

Now, she was satisfied that her son could marry a virtuous woman.

Dolores smiled, her eyebrow was very pretty. She acted coquettishly towards Victoria, “Just make me your daughter then and give me all your love.”

“Yea, yea, just take all my love. I’ll give Matthew to you too.” Victoria smiled, but tears came out.

“Do you know why I am assigned to marry Matthew when I was a kid?” Dolores asked suddenly. She asked Jessica once but Jessica did not say anything. Victoria did not tell her the reason just now too.


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