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Snare of Love novel Chapter 231

Armand heard Matthew’s bodyguard come up the mountain, after the bodyguard saw him clearly, he reported, “It’s me, where is Mr. Nelson?”

“Inside.” Reported the bodyguard.

The roads were easier to walk on now since people have already walked past, leaving a narrow and relatively flat road. They followed the bodyguard, walked past a small mountain peak and saw some persimmon trees. At this current season, the trees’ leaves have almost all fallen off, all one can only see are bright red persimmons.

Dolores saw Matthew and his daughter’s shadow underneath a slightly larger persimmon tree. It looked like his daughter ate a persimmon and had juice all over her mouth, Matthew was helping his daughter wipe off excess juice.

Initially, she thought Matthew was lucky because his parents didn’t leave him, he is from a good family, everyone knew that he was born with a silver spoon.

But she felt sorry for him when he was unaware that Victoria was his mother.

“Mommy.” Simona saw Dolores first. “Mommy, are you looking for me?” Simona said excitedly.

Matthew turned his head around and saw a woman standing still, she could attract attention despite how dim the moonlight was that night.

How can she show up when it’s not time yet?

Dolores walked down and stood in front of him, there were a lot less weeds obstructing her path, so it made it easier for her to walk down. She looked at her daughter and wanted to touch her face but remembered that her hands were too dirty, so she took them back and said, “Yes I miss Simona so much, so I took time off to see you.”

Matthew saw dried blood on her hands when she held them out and asked, “Are you hurt?”

“It’s nothing, just a scratch.” Dolores answered after looking at her hands.

“Let’s go.” He held onto Dolores’s hand and carried his daughter with his other hand.

“Mommy, mommy.” Simona ran towards her with two persimmons.

“Slow down, don’t fall.” This road was not good.

“I’m watching my step.” Simona said as she ran in front of her to give her two persimmons. The persimmons were yellowish red, not big but soft. “Mommy, they’re sweet, you can try them.”

These persimmons were unripe and not succulent enough, they will only be juicy and sweet when they are soft and ripe.

Dolores smiled and said, “Let’s go home first and eat it at home.”

She was afraid of getting Victoria worried because they took too long.

Simona nodded and asked, “So Mommy, does this mean that you will stay with me?”

Dolores’s smiled vaguely, she held her head up to look at Matthew, but she was speaking to his son, “Mommy has to deal with something first, I’ll be back as soon as I finish. But we can walk together.”

“Really?” Simona hugged Dolores’s leg happily, she was elated to be able to spend time with Mommy.

“Mommy, can I be with you?” Simona blinked her eyes when she asked.

“Of course.” Simon’s eyes were bright and beautiful, they looked like crescent moons when she smiled.

“How about me?” Matthew held on to her hand with a bit of force, she can take both of these kids, but how about him?

Dolores cast a glance at his direction, she couldn’t look at his eyes directly because she felt guilty, “The master only allows me to bring two people so, so…”

“Do you mean I can’t come along?”

Matthew’s glance fell to the ground, she looked flustered and was unwilling to make any eye contact. He was sure she was lying but did not expose her.

“Let’s go” Matthew said casually.

They followed the bodyguard and arrived at the bottom of the mountain in no time.

Matthew handed his daughter over to Theresa, and yanked Dolores into the room. Dolores would not be so obedient in the past, but she dared not defy him now. She wanted to hug him. She did what she wanted to and put her hands around his waist after they entered the room.

Her initiative took him by surprise, he froze up like a zombie, has her temperament changed after a few days of learning something new?

However, he was enjoying this. He bent down to kiss her forehead, slowly moving his lips towards her eyes and asked her whether she missed him in his deep musky voice.


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