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Snare of Love novel Chapter 234

Perhaps because she had been imprisoned by Sampson before, in regards to shackles of this kind, the blood in her whole body was boiling, her heart was hammering in her chest, and she couldn’t help shivering.

“It’s me.”

This voice, belonged to Matthew?

She forced herself to be calm, feeling carefully this person’s smell.

He kissed the back of her neck, burying his head in her hair, “Where did you go today?”

A familiar voice rang next to her ears, her fear slowly calming down.

But hearing his words, she started worrying again, “I…”

For a moment she couldn’t find anything suitable to say.

Matthew’s heart sank, it was obvious that she was hiding something from him.

Dolores’ brain turned quickly, after a few seconds, “I didn’t go anywhere, I missed them, so brought them over to the back compound for a day. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Matthew’s hand that was on her waist raised her shirt, and slid across, the skin on her waist was delicate and smooth, as if a baby’s skin. He thought, if he just used a little more strength, it would leave a mark on it.

“Dolores, I think…” If not for the dim lighting, Dolores would definitely have realized his unnaturalness, on his lips were sweet words, but in his eyes carried no tinge of warmth.

Dolores could only feel her throat dry up, opening her mouth, she realized her voice was hoarse, “I haven’t showered in a few days…”

“I am not complaining about you.” When speaking, his hand tryingly unfastened the button of her pants. Dolores’ heart was beating profusely, but she didn’t refuse.

She closed her eyes, thinking, just let it be.

Crack. The lights in the room suddenly turned on, Matthew let go of her, and retreated a few steps.

Seeing that she had her eyes shut, as if willing, but there was no rush of passion at all.

This was the first time she was willing to hand herself over, but he didn’t want to touch her.

The reason he appeared here today, was to try her.

To see what changes there were, and where were her boundaries.

In the past, she only accepted his kisses, but this time, she didn’t reject him.

What had made her willing to accept this?

Did she accept him because of outside factors?

Or was it because she loved him, liked him?

He didn’t know.

Facing this woman, he felt a fear that he had never felt before.

“Are you hiding something from me?”

Dolores opened her eyes slowly, he appeared before her eyes, he was so calm, and there was no hint of desire in his eyes.

She was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood that his actions just now were not because he really wanted to touch her, but was just trying her.

He, had he found out anything?

“What would I be hiding from you?” Dolores forced herself to be calm, it had to be said, Matthew this way made her feel very guilty. She went over to hug his neck, and laid on his chest, but her gaze didn’t dare to meet his, “Are you feeling strange why I suddenly agreed to you?”

The lights glowed with a yellowish halo, shining down in circles, she gazed off to a distance, and said softly, “We already have Samuel and Simona, I wanted to try with you…”

She really meant this.

This man, was her first man, and it was also the husband to her child.

As for her, it was the first time she felt moved by a man.

She wasn’t forcing herself, she was willing just now.

Even though Dolores had said this, Matthew hadn’t totally believed her, because she hadn’t been honest about where she had been today.

He lowered his gaze, and stared at the jade bangle on her wrist, he reached out and picked up her hand, putting it on her chest, “If anything happens to you, you have to tell me, you have to believe, I can solve it for you, you don’t have to carry the burden on your own.”

He was worried that Dolores had been threatened by others.


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