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Snare of Love novel Chapter 241

There was an imitation doll inside the box, the doll's eyeballs were scooped out, only the white parts were left, there was a long cut wound on the stomach part, sewn with a rope, full of blood, it also had long sharp nails.

The doll was made so realistically, even if Samuel was smarter and braver, in the end he was just a child.

He was so scared to see such thing that he shouted.

“What happened?” hearing Samuel's shout, Dolores ran out and saw the thing on the bed, she was also scared herself, she immediately pulled her son into her embrace, covered his eyes, and consoled, ”Don't be afraid, Mommy is here.”

“Mommy, what is it?” Simona just took a bath, blow-dried her hair, and wore clean clothes... She was really curious of the thing that could make his brother shout.

Dolores reacted quickly, she pulled Simona to her embrace and covered her eyes when she had yet to see it.

Simona was not so brave, even Samuel got scared, she would be extremely scared if she saw it.

Dolores couldn't think of the person who would send such thing, she just wanted to get rid of that thing quickly.

So it wouldn't scare the children.

She patted Samuel, ”Don't be afraid, Mommy is here, hug your sister tightly, I will cover it up.”

Samuel was very scared, he was still slightly trembling in Dolores' embrace, tightly hugging her, ”Mommy, I'm scared.”

He didn't dare to leave Mommy's embrace.

Dolores didn't dare to stare straight at it either, it wasn't only visually disturbing, it was also mentally disturbing, she had given birth and that's a tortured doll, it was also mentally disturbing for her.

“Mommy.” Samuel was trembling as he tightly grabbed Dolores' clothes, he didn't dare to move.

Dolores hugged the two children, she had to slowly move towards the door while pressing the two children's heads.

As if Matthew had heard of the movement there, he already walked over before he finished wearing his clothes, he walked to the door and his hand that was buttoning up slightly stopped, he then quickly walked in, carried his son and daughter to leave the room.

Boyce who was out side came up, he was going to ask them to eat lunch, Matthew handed the children to him and ordered, ”Keep an eye on them, I only trust you.”

“Did something happen?” Boyce was worried so he asked that, because Matthew's expression looked so bad.

Matthew himself wasn't sure who the hell would do that, he then patted Boyce's shoulders.

He returned to the room.

Dolores was still standing there, frozen, staring at the terrifying thing on the bed.

Matthew took her into his arms and covered her face in his embrace. ”Don't look at it anymore.”

Dolores closed her eyes, slightly trembling, ”Who did this?”

She was shocked and panicked at the same time, the person who did that clearly knew that she had two children, that's why he sent something like that to scare them.

“I'll investigate it clearly.” Matthew glanced at the dirty thing on the bed, looking so serious without any words.

His arms were long, he could touch the bedding just by slightly tilting his body, he then covered the box with the quilt.

He patted Dolores' back, his palm was broad and hot, rubbing her spine again and again, he consoled her by saying, ”It's all fake, don't be scared.”

Dolores said yes, but she didn't take another glance at the bed.

Samuel told Boyce of what happened in the house, Boyce looked as serious as Matthew as he guessed, "Could it be Sampson?”

As if that guy had evaporated from the world, the people that he had sent couldn't find his whereabouts at all, not even a single clue.

Sampson was hiding in the dark, he could suddenly appear at any time.

That was something called as clear attacks would be easy to dodge, while hidden ones were not.


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