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Snare of Love novel Chapter 269

The sunshine shined in through the French casement. She was sitting on the floor at the corner. Her hands was holding a drawing board and she was sketching a wedding design. She already had the rough outline in her mind and her progress was smooth. Whenever she started working, she would not care of any other things, she even threw her anxious and terrified emotion that was caused by Sampson to aside.

Just as Matthew was going to walk over there, the driver who went out with Dolores just now came to him. Normally, he didn’t have to report that day’s matter to Matthew in person but Armand and Boyce were not around on that day.

He thought that he needed to tell Matthew about the appearance of Sampson.

“I went to the mall with Miss Flores today and we saw Sampson.”

Matthew’s face sank and his face expression looked tensed.

“He wanted to catch Miss Flores but he didn’t get her. I didn’t know that whether he was keeping a close watch over us.”

He didn’t even need to think about it. He must have been hiding in the dark and waiting for a good timing to continue his plan.

Matthew raised up his hand, “I got it. You can leave first.”

They were staying in plain sight while Sampson was staying in the dark. If they wanted to catch him, they must think of a way to let Sampson be exposed in their sight so that he could be caught and they didn’t have to worry about him forever.

He had made up a plan in his heart but Armand was going to marry recently. Thus, he could only postpone his plan of letting Sampson be exposed in their sight.

Just as the driver wanted to leave, Matthew called him, “Please wait for a while…”

“What did she buy in the mall today?” Matthew pretended to be serious but he was thinking in his heart that Dolores had even bought a present for Samuel and so she must have bought a present for him too.

The driver thought for a while and replied him honestly, “She bought pearl, magic cube and lace.”

It seemed like he had heard that Dolores gave Samuel a magic cube as present and it also suited children’s favor.

However, the other two things that she bought which were pearl and lace were obviously not for him.

It meant that there wasn’t a gift for him.

He wondered whether Dolores took him as important person in her heart!

He spoke in his deep low voice, “You can leave now.”

The driver turned and left.

Dolores was immersing in her own design. She didn’t mention that someone was approaching her and she didn’t mention that she was gradually covered by a dark shadow.

The black pencil in her hand was wandering happily on the paper. The first sample of the rough wedding design was shown and she was figuring of the details.

Matthew lowered his body and his gazed fell on the wedding dress which was drawn by her with her pencil.

Dolores was immersing in her own world and she totally didn’t mention the appearance of Matthew. Suddenly, her hand was stunned and the tip of her pencil stopped at the final part of the ending.

Wedding was such a holy ceremony.

She had also longed for it in the past, wearing the purely white wedding dress and married the man who she would spend the rest of her life time with. Then, they would hold each other’s hands and walked to the end of their lives.


She lowered her eyelids lightly.

“What are you thinking about?” He was staying so near to her and speaking with his low deep voice. His hot breath was spreading all over her skin between her ear and neck when he was speaking. Dolores was shocked and then she raised her head and looked over the source of the voice.

Matthew caught a trace of loss that was hiding instantly in her eyes at the moment she raised her head.

His pupils moved slightly. He gave nothing to her when they married. She was also a woman and he guessed that she hoped to wear the wedding dress too.

She moved aside a bit and created a distance between them. She lowered her head and said, “No, nothing.”

She was using her action of tidying up her design paper to gloss over her agitation.

Matthew stayed close to her again, “Where did you go today?”

“I went out to buy something.” She was having the drawing board in one of her hand and using another hand of her to support her to stand up from the ground. Just as she moved, she discovered that her legs were numb as her legs had supported the drawing board for a long time.

“Your legs were numb?” Matthew squatted by her side. He touched her right leg and then touched her left leg, “Which one?”

Dolores pondered for a while and said, “Left.”

He was rubbing her left calf, “Is it here?”

Dolores was looking at his hand that was massaging her leg. His palms were wide and hot with crisscross palm prints. She was sweating and her cold sweat wetted her shirt silently. His gentleness at the moment was shining into her heart like a beam of light and it felt so gentle and soft.

Her voice became low and hoarse gradually, “Hmm.”

Matthew was wearing suit and he was not comfortable with the gesture of squatting. Thus, he just sat down and placed her leg on his legs. “Stretch your legs.”


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