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Snare of Love novel Chapter 281

"Benevolence hospital." Boyce Shawn answered.

Armand Bernie had just walked out through the door. He turned around and noticed that the huge words of Benevolence hospital were in neon light at the outpatient department. Wasn’t here where Ms. Leslie hospitalized.

"Where is he?" He asked as he moved his lips.

"He is in the operating room.” Boyce was puzzled, "What's the matter with you?"

Armand didn’t say anything special but just telling him that he would be there to find him before hanging up the phone.

Armand returned to the hospital and found the operation room using the instruction map. Boyce sat on the seat in the corridor and there were a few bodyguards standing on the side. He came over with a long stride, "What's the situation now?"

Boyce adjusted his position when Armand approached and said, "Sit down first then I will tell you."

Armand sat down.

"The doctor said he nearly dies from the wound which was only two millimetres away from the heart and he’s now still in the operating room at the moment," Boyce said.

"Why wouldn’t this son of a bitch die?" Armand snarled.

"If he really dies then Matthew Nelson would be the murderer. I think Mrs. Nelson is the only one who is clear-headed," Boyce said.

"Actually it can be settled." Armand still insisted that Sampson Hebert should have been beaten to death.

If there was money, then there was power. Why money was that important?

Because money could buy things.

So, the power came after money.

Not to mention the power of Matthew’s uncle’s family, the truth could be covered up.

Boyce thought that Armand was too agitated now and felt pointless to talk to him anymore, so he stopped speaking to give him a chance to calm down. Boyce underestimated Armand’s anger.

The corridor was silent at that time, which was quite awkward.

"How long has it been and how come it's still not done?" Armand said impatiently.

"What if you go back first?" Boyce glance at him.

From how angry he was, he could tell that even if Sampson’s operation was successful, he might still be beaten to death by Armand!

Armand made up his decision, "No."

Boyce frowned as he wondered how could he be that stubborn.

"Boyce, how could I not be angry since this fellow slapped my grandmother?" Armand gave a fierce stare.

He could feel his rage inside.

Sampson was indeed a bastard as he bit an elderly.

"A mentally ill psychologist is much more terrifying than the ordinary people," Boyce said.

The operating room lights turned off at that moment, and after a while, the door of the operating room slid open. There was the doctor with Sampson who was pushed out came after him.

"The operation was successful, but he still needs a long time to recover as his organ was wounded and of course, this would give an impact on his life span..." the doctor said as he removed his mask.

"This brute should not be alive!" Armand stopped off and interrupted the doctor before he could complete his sentence.

The doctor was irritated that he was being interrupted.

"If you don't want him to stay alive, why did you send him here then?" He said with a deep frown.

The doctor was relieved that the operation was successful, but what Armand said discouraged him.

"I am from B city. I’m here to trace the suspect and this person was shot by me when he was trying to escape. He is actually a human trafficker, so my colleague is furious and wasn’t aware of what he said I hope you do not mind," Boyce said.

When the doctor knew that he was not just a criminal but a human trafficker, the happiness of performing the operation successfully vanished.

"Human traffickers should die," He said angrily.

Boyce faked an accusation of being a hateful ‘human trafficker’ against Sampson.


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