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Snare of Love novel Chapter 290

Dolores couldn’t believe her ears. Jessica’s words hit her like a thunderclap, and she felt as if she had been poured with cold water from head to toe and her entire body was numb.

Jessica grabbed Dolores’ hands immediately, “Lola…”

Dolores shook off Jessica’s hand abruptly and stood up. She took a few steps back, with her trembling lips, “Do you forget that how he forced you to divorce him and sent you, who were pregnant, abroad and didn’t even care about you?! You tell me that you want to remarry him now?!!”

“He used to be a bad person before. But, while you were away, he paid me frequent visits. And he was regretful about the things before…”

“Do you believe this?!” Dolores cut her off with a stern tone. She scratched her hair furiously. How could this happen?

“Mum, how can you easily put your trust in his sweet words? You have to be aware that he had abandoned you, as well as Beulah. He is a heartless person. How can you still believe in his sweet words?”

Jessica remained stern, with her lowered head, “I’ve already decided.”

Dolores leaned against the wall and looked at Jessica, “So, you’re just informing me today?”

“You can say so.” Jessica clutched her own hands tightly, and a frosty glint flashed across her eyes. She was guilty to her daughter, “I’m sorry to have you suffer with me…”

“You know I don’t care about this. I’m afraid that you’ll be hurt by Randolph again!” Dolores didn’t expect that Jessica would want to tell her such a thing.

“I know.” Jessica approached Dolores. She wished to grab her hand but was shook off again.

Dolores turned her head and was reluctant to look at her.

Jessica’s fingers were bent as she slowly drew her hand back, “I’ve already decided.”

There was no room for rebuttal. Dolores refused to agree, leaving Jessica with no choice, “I’ll move out today.”

“Why are you in such a rush?” Dolores couldn’t understand how she could forgive him this easily for causing her such pain.

“Did you already forget about Jeremy?” Dolores didn’t want to talk about it, but she tried to persuade her when she faced Jessica’s insistence.

Jessica’s heart trembled for a moment when she heard this name. She didn’t forget, and she wouldn’t forget for the rest of her life. But just because she couldn’t get it out of her head, she wanted to remarry Randolph.

She clenched her fists. Her son’s death would be a nagging pain in her heart forever. But for Dolores, she was more guilty.

“Our marriage certificate has already been done.” Jessica continued to say.

Dolores wiped her face and smiled disappointedly, “Have you made up your mind?” She sniffed, “As your daughter, I’m not in a position to criticize you. But after so many years of sharing our lives and depending on each other, shouldn’t you ask for my opinion?”

“I’m sorry.” Jessica didn’t know what she could say to her except these words.

“You don’t need to apologize to me. This is your business, and I have no right to interfere. You just do what you wish to.” Dolores waved her hand. She was not able to stay here any longer. She was afraid that she would act out or say something inappropriate to Jessica.


“Stop saying anything.” Dolores walked out of the room with a stumbling gait.

She couldn’t accept Jessica’s decision. But she knew that she couldn’t change her mind based on her attitude.

She drank the entire glass of water that was on the table. She was not sure that when the water was poured and it was already cold.

She shivered, and her heart was broken as well.

She couldn’t understand Jessica’s decision.

Why did she want to repeat it after knowing that Randolph was dangerous and risked repeating all of her previous hardships?

“Why?” Dolores supported her body on the table with her hands.

She was not sure when a broad palm held her shoulder. She slowly raised her head.


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