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Snare of Love novel Chapter 292

Phoebe was wearing a white down jacket, blue jeans, black short boots, and with her pitch-black hair, she still looked as young and energetic as she was before.

Back then, she just left without saying anything, he ran to the airport to chase her, asked her the reason for their break up, she didn't even show her face to him.

Once she went missing, she was gone for 10 years.

Armand had ever predicted that he would lose his control and ask her why she was so resolute when she left, if they met each other again.

Why, she didn't even give him any reason.

But he had never thought that he would be so calm when he met her again, perhaps the time had calmed his feelings down.

He indifferently retracted his haze and opened the car door.

Mrs. Leslie glanced at Phoebe like she didn't see her and held Theresa's hand, “Let's go.”

Theresa could feel the different atmosphere, she looked at Armand and when she was about to ask, Armand already interrupted her, “Insignificant person, let's go inside.”

“Armand, are you angry?” Phoebe looked at Armand.

Armand laughed very coldly.

Theresa who stood beside him clearly felt his anger at that moment.

Both of her hands uncontrollably trembled, Mrs. Leslie sensed it so she held her hand, “This is Armand's ex girlfriend, they have broken up.”

Theresa looked at Phoebe, as expected, that woman was in a relationship with Armand, that was why Armand's feelings wavered... After knowing that woman's identity, she somehow felt uneasy at heart.

Mrs. Leslie coldly glanced at Phoebe, “Oh my, what a mood killer early in the morning, Theresa, let's go inside.”

Mrs. Leslie pulled Armand, “You should go, too.”

Armand had not intention on doing something else with Phoebe anyway, 10 years, his feelings for her had long gone, there was only the unwillingness from back then.

Phoebe but her lips, “Armand, back then, I left because of some difficulties...”

“You have broken up with Armand, Armand is already married now, sorry, don't come and disturb him, I think Ms. Lewis is not an immoral woman that wants to be a mistress.”

Mrs. Leslie interrupted Phoebe.

“Grandma, I...”

“Don't call me Grandma, I don't deserve it.” Mrs. Leslie's attitude was very clear, she only acknowledged Theresa.

Armand was ready down for a long time she had hurt back then, he couldn't forget the break up, and then she came back, wanting to reconcile?

No way!

Whoever Armand would marry, he would not marry her!


“Then years ago, we had broken up, we're not associated at all now, I don't want to ask nor mention anything about the past.” Armand grabbed Theresa's hand, “Let's go.”

Phoebe frowned, she had asked around whether Armand was married or not, he didn't even have a serious girlfriend over the years, how could there suddenly be a woman appearing by his side and he was already married?

No matter Armand was married or not, this time, she was going to strive and get him.

She had chosen the wrong thing once, she couldn't lose him again!

She had just returned to the country and she was going to pick some furniture, but she was not in the mood so she turned around and left.

Since Phoebe showed up, the three of them had different atmosphere, Theresa could feel that Armand became quiet, when she asked for his opinion, he always answered, “Everything that you like is good.” absentmindedly.

Theresa looked down, “I think, it's best not to buy it, I want to go to the clothing store and take a look, after leaving for so long, I don't know how the store is doing now.”

“We're already here, just buy it.” Mrs. Leslie pulled Theresa.

Theresa looked at Armand, “If you're absent minded, no matter how expensive the furniture is or how warm the house is decorated, it won't be able to hold his heart with her.”

Armand lifted her head and looked into Theresa's clear eyes, he was slightly stunned, Theresa married him without asking anything, one could say that he only used his own power to marry her.

He should not ignore her feelings when he met Phoebe.


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