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Snare of Love novel Chapter 313

“He’s not coming back, saying that he has some matters to attend to. I’m not sure what it is, but I only know that he is very busy. I’m not even sure if he’s really busy or not. In any case, he’s not coming back.” The lady helped Simona with changing her shoes. The house was not grandly furnished, it was a relatively simple design. There was no servant in the house, so everything was taken care of by this lady. It was good that the house wasn’t too big.

This lady was Jeffery’s wife, Marina Barnett. Because of Jeffery’s status, in addition to the tense situation right now, the authorities had been making tight checks. Hence, this lady was keeping things very low, afraid that she would bring trouble for Jeffery.

As if hearing some noises, the person on the sofa put away his newspaper, and looked towards their direction.

The lady walked over, “They are already here, the kids are very likable. You guys have a chat, I still have some dishes not ready yet, I’ll head in first.”

Jeffery waved his hand, “Go busy yourself.”

Perhaps because Dolores had heard about Jeffery from Victoria, so she was extremely curious. When Jeffery put down his newspaper, Dolores took a look at him.

Because there was air-conditioning in the house, there was warm air, so he was only wearing a sweater. There was grey hair on his temples, and he looked similar in age to Jayden. However, the feeling that he gave off was totally different. Perhaps because he came from a military background, he looked very serious when there was no expression on his face. Jayden on the other hand was more easy-going.

Dolores thought to herself, Jayden definitely had some feelings for Victoria. Thinking about it, if he was with a woman that he didn’t like, how could he manage to settle down?

At the same time, Jeffery looked at Dolores. She didn’t deliberately dress up, her face was completely bare with no make-up. But she had good skin, so it totally didn’t affect the comfortable look she gave off. Her dark black hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her features were clear. Her eyes were bright, her nose was straight, her lips were pink. Her features were not particularly outstanding, but when they were put together, it gave others a surprising feel.

Jeffery’s eyes sparkled slightly, for a moment, he was lost in his thoughts.

It was Matthew’s call of ‘uncle’ that brought him back to reality. He waved at the two kids, “Come over, let me look at you.”

Samuel walked over without any feeling of shyness at all, totally unafraid of Jeffery’s foreboding aura.

As an army, even if he was gentle, he was not as easily approachable as normal people.

Simona on the other hand was a little scared, not daring to take a step. Matthew ruffled her head, “Go ahead.”

As if his deep voice had given her a sense of safety, she mustered her courage and walked over.

Jeffery looked at the two kids, turning to his left and right. Finally, he nodded his head “Good, good, good.”

Jeffery had repeated his ‘good’ three times, it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

“Must be cold outside?” His voice was a lot more gentle.

“It’s alright, we were sitting in the car so it isn’t too cold.” Samuel said.

Jeffery laughed, there were few children that weren’t afraid of him. When he wasn’t smiling, he gave off a very strict feel.

His large palms fell on Samuel’s shoulder. He touched his bones, and nodded his head, “This kid has a good bone structure.” He looked at Samuel, “Are you interested in joining the army with me?”

At this moment, Marina came out. In her hands were piping hot coffee. She took a look at Jeffery, “Please don’t, you want to pull everyone you see into the army. Didn’t your son get scared away by you?”

Thinking of his son, Jeffery gave a cold snort.

Marina placed the coffee on the table, “Please have a seat, you guys are not outsiders, don’t have to be so careful.”

These words were mainly for Dolores, and Dolores gave a polite laugh.

Matthew pulled her hand to sit down, “She’s younger than me.”

He meant that, if there were things that she didn’t do well, not to blame her.

Marina was taken aback for a moment. After a second, she understood, and said with a smile, “She looks young.”

As if a fresh graduate from school.

“Please don’t mind, your uncle is like that. Matthew had also been brought to the army for a few days. But he is the sole son of the Ernest family, so he had to come out to take over the family business. That was why he didn’t continue staying there.” Marina patted Dolores’ hand, asking her not to take Jeffery’s words to heart.

Jeffery gave a huff, “What’s wrong with joining the army? Matthew’s performance was so outstanding then. If he didn’t leave, his achievement now would be even higher than me. What a pity.”


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